Modern businesses need to stay on their toes and adapt to continuously veering market trends. A small modification at the top turns into a radical change in the job role by the time it trickles down to lower levels. So, at the end of the day, it’s employees who need to stay up to date and keep expanding their skill set to climb the ladder of success.
Most companies understand they need to facilitate employee learning to boost their bottom line and empower the personal growth of individuals working for them. Even the employees appreciate learning opportunities provided at the workplace, and 94% of them stay longer with a firm that invests in their learning.
When it comes to employee training, the biggest challenge usually faced by corporations is the mode of imparting knowledge to employees. There is no a cookie-cutter solution that takes care of everyone across the board. The job roles, current competencies, preferred learning method, and other attributes vary from one employee to another. Moreover, employee training methods that worked for one organization aren’t necessarily going to do the same for another.
This is where learning software comes into the picture. It’s a modern solution for modern problems and we feel it is the best mode to deliver employee training. Here are seven ways learning software facilitates employee learning programs.
1. Facilitates a blended approach for learning
Learning software gives you the freedom to tap into multiple teaching modalities to provide the best possible learning experience to employees. It can easily augment technologies and modules already in place and combine them to form a more robust framework to facilitate learning.
Some employees might respond well to a video lecture, while others might find it easier to focus when reading information. A blended approach takes such differences into consideration and takes into account employees’ preferences. By providing each employee with their preferred method of learning, businesses also can get the best bang for their bucks. Otherwise, most learning programs turn into yet another boring drill for employees, and they are unable to improve their performance even after going through all of it.
2. Delivers job-specific and personalized content for individuals
Every organization consists of people with diverse roles and backgrounds. Two people with the same designation can have different gaps in their skill sets. Even though both don’t perform up to their potential, the same remedy doesn’t apply to both.
The learning software identifies the needs and competencies of individuals and then acts upon them. As a result, there is usually a clear improvement in employee performance and on the organization’s bottom line.
On top of this, learning software typically is capable of delivering personalized experiences to employees. Employees can easily curate a module as per their needs and convenience. This helps nurture a culture where employees look forward to learning.
3. Takes learning beyond the office
Conventional training programs are confined within conference rooms and cubicles. Since the employee is already preoccupied with a bunch of tasks while working there, it’s common for them not to be receptive to learning inside the office.
Learning software quickly removes such barriers and sanctions learning outside of corporate premises. Employees can learn a thing or two on their smartphones while traveling or even on tablets from the comfort of their couch when they feel productive—the freedom of learning anytime and anywhere increases conduciveness toward learning.
4. Increases engagement using interactive modules
Learning can easily become a drag, even for motivated employees, if the methods aren’t interesting enough. Keeping the employee engaged throughout the learning process is something many training programs struggle with. However, learning software typically manages to keep the employee hooked with various exciting modules.
For instance, the software allows trainers to make learning a social phenomenon. Employees can discuss what they learned with others using a social dashboard and further hone their knowledge. The discussion brings different perspectives to light and benefits everyone across the board. And the engagement rate stays high throughout the exercise.
5. Helps retain knowledge with follow-up assessments
How much of this article will you remember by tomorrow, a day after tomorrow, and one more day after that? Just as you’ll forget more and more of this article with every passing day until and unless you revisit it, your employees will forget what they learned if the concepts aren’t reinforced at regular intervals.
With learning software, you can easily make sure your training efforts don’t go down the drain. The software keeps things relevant using follow-up assessments and integrates them seamlessly with the employee’s task. The assessments also ensure individuals can recall and apply their learnings when the situation demands.
6. Simulates job challenges without the risk
There is no better way to learn than by applying knowledge and gaining practical experience. When the principles are applied in operations, one realizes their usefulness and gets accustomed to their nuances. But it won’t be a great idea to thrust employees into real job situations where they are supposed to apply new learnings, especially when the stakes are high.
Leaning software enables one to replicate job challenges for better learning without any real risks. It gives employees invaluable hands-on-deck experience and improves the quality of the organization’s human resources.
7. Provides robust analytics to monitor progress
It’s all rainbows and butterflies when discussing the benefits of employee training programs. However, to get a realistic picture of how the program benefits employees and the organization, there is a need for concrete data.
In a learning software program, analytics are readily available for individuals, as well as managers. Employees can monitor their personal dashboards and keep track of how they are performing, the pace at which they are acquiring new skills, and the scope of improvement in their current skill set. Managers and business owners can keep track of how many more people gained new competencies and are ready for more responsibilities. The analytics also make it easier to identify and reward the top performers.
Wrapping Up
Learning programs have become a critical step on the ladder for success for businesses. Organizations can’t miss out on a single opportunity to arm their employees with the skills needed to handle job responsibilities better and prosper in the corporate ecosystem.
Learning software is the perfect companion for employee training programs and strengthens every aspect of them. It brings employees and organization onto the same page and makes them work for each other—the ideal ecosystem for growth and success.