Productivity Coach’s Corner: The 3 Cs of a Productive Day

Schedule time to Consume, Create, and Communicate, and you’ll positively influence the production of everyone around you.

Update tomorrow’s agenda and allocate time for each of the 3 Cs of a productive day. Schedule time to Consume, Create, and Communicate, and you’ll positively influence the production of everyone around you.

Consume: Spend 10 to 30 minutes daily reading, listening, or watching information specific to your industry. In his book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey called this “sharpening the saw.” What you pay attention to today will become knowledge you’ll use to solve the problems of tomorrow. Stack three books on your desk, download two new podcasts, and subscribe to a new industry magazine. Schedule time every day to consume that information.

Create: In his book, “Deep Work,” professor Cal Newport tells us to take time away from the distraction of media and other interruptions to focus. Whether thinking through a strategic plan, figuring out how to grow revenue, or developing a new in-house training program, you need time to “go deep.” Draft ideas. Compile information. Write a document. Ask, “How can I connect what I’ve been learning into new knowledge?” Take a book you’re reading or a podcast you’re listening to and write a review.

Communicate: We don’t learn in a vacuum, and we don’t work alone. Set up an informal “sharing meeting.” Publish on a wiki, blog, or Intranet. Send an e-mail. Somehow, get this newfound (and newly understood) information out of your head and into your environment.

Dr. Jason Womack
Dr. Jason W. Womack ( is an author, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach working with organizations as they re-imagine not just how people work together, but the way colleagues both take care of AND challenge each other. His programs help people stress less, focus more, and achieve greater levels of success…as defined by each individual who contributes to the organizational mission. His books can be found at Amazon: