Cerevrum Inc.’s new software, Skill Hub VR, develops, manages, and evaluates employees’ skills using risk-free realistic VR simulations.
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) approved Logical Operations’ CyberSec First Responder (CFR-210) certification program as DoD Directive 8570 compliant. CFR is now an approved Baseline Certification for the CSSP Analyst and CSSP Incident Responder categories, and verifies the skills necessary to perform these job functions.
MeetMax Games launched a new concept of corporate entertainment— Smart Group Games—a technology platform that uses interactive face-to-face games to get people interacting at events, conferences, team meetings, etc.
Skilitics LLC, a global leader in data-driven learning tools, unveiled its Thrive platform for enterprise-scale learning measurement and big data-based analytics. Thrive can support an array of analytics and provide insights across more than 50 categories.
Demisto, Inc., an innovator in Security Automation and Orchestration technology, introduced “Demisto Insights,” a machine learning-based Security Operations Platform that learns from analysts’ actions used to resolve incidents to optimize future incident response.
Cornerstone OnDemand, a global leader in cloud-based learning and human capital management software, enhanced its learning platform, Cornerstone Learning, by adding a new “Netflix-style” user interface with curated content recommendations, as well as playlist, collaboration, and sharing capabilities similar to Spotify. The company also will launch a progressive content subscription service featuring video-enabled, mobile-ready courses that will be continually refreshed from providers such as TED, Grovo, PowerForward, and CyberU.
Products & Services (Sept/Oct 2017)
The latest products and services launching in the training industry.