Many Training professionals have seen more green in their wallets in the last year, according to Training magazine’s Annual Salary Survey of 1,218 readers. Average training salaries rose more than 5 percent to $83,745 in 2016-2017, the survey found. The average increase in salary in the last 12 months (not including a promotion or change of employer) was 2.78 percent, just a bit less than in 2015-2016 (2.97 percent). The majority (55 percent) of respondents typically work between 40 and 44 hours per week.
Some 44 percent of respondents said their salary was low relative to their responsibilities (up from 37 percent), while another 43 percent said it was equitable. Nine percent (down 2 percent from last year) believe they are well paid relative to their responsibilities. Some 54 percent of respondents said they received a bonus in 2016, and 57 percent are eligible for one this year. The average cash bonus was $9,019, up from $8,414 the year before.
Only 1 percent said employers asked them to take a pay cut in 2016-2017, down from 2 percent last year. Some 42 percent of respondents said their organization cut budgets in the last 12 months, 2 percent more than in 2015-2016. Travel was trimmed by 38 percent of respondents’ organizations, the same as last year. Some 12 percent froze salaries vs. 13 percent in 2015-2016. And 7 percent eliminated bonuses, about the same as last year. Employee layoffs also remained the same at 24 percent.
Most Training professionals continue to enjoy what they do for a living, with 74 percent saying they wouldn’t choose another career if they could do it all over again. Of those who preferred other careers, popular answers included architect, doctor, engineer, graphic designer, interior designer, lawyer, journalist, and professor/teacher.
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