Beginning a few years ago, all of the salaried team members at SpawGlass, a Texas-based commercial construction general contractor, received a 360-degree career development review. Once a year, team members were reviewed and formally evaluated by their manager with input from four to six of their internal customers. Spawglass’ goal was to review 100 percent of its team members each year. The organization usually reached 85 to 90 percent complete. The remainder either received an incomplete review or none at all.
The problem was that SpawGlass wasn’t seeing much benefit or change as a result of those 360-degree reviews. The review process was burdonsome, took a lot of time, generated too much paperwork, and ended up falling on the same person’s desk over and over again.
Three years ago, SpawGlass changed direction on its strategic plan model, and a part of that change was in the career development review process. SpawGlass now uses a quarterly 555 model that has not only simplified the process but has produced significant results in time savings to conduct reviews, improved relationship building, and produced actual career development and promotions.
Program Details
The meat of the new model focuses on SpawGlass’ five core values:
- Trust
- Teamwork
- Think Like an Owner
- Professionalism
- Passion
The first part of the process is a simple + or – for each core value. The second piece is also a + or – for three questions:
- Do you get it?
- Do you want it?
- Do you have the capacity to do it?
The third portion focuses on performance and goals.
The time spent overall on the review process has been cut in half because even though SpawGlass now conducts reviews four times a year instead of one, it isn’t spending nearly as much time to collect a year’s worth of data and information. The last review three months ago is still fresh enough to remember. The shorter form is simple, and explanations are quick and easy.
Stronger relationships have been built because leaders and employees now are discussing performance, promotions, and issues four times a year vs. once a year. More than 80 percent of team members rated the review process more positive than before on the last employee survey. One hundred percent of reviews are being completed because they are more objective, and both reviewer and reviewee are communicating their expectations better. Overall performance is up because team members have clearer expectations, and remedial performance issues are being addressed quicker.
In addition, 24 team members have been promoted as a result of more direct and honest feedback and specific actions plans for development.