As someone who hates to cook but loves to eat, I look forward to the day fully cooked gourmet meals magically appear the second I request them in my AI-managed kitchen. And when I can teleport Star Trek-style to a team meeting in Minnesota instead of sitting in a cramped seat in coach on a plane.
The way technology is advancing these days, such experiences might not be that far in the future (after all, we’re now sending private citizens into space!). Training technology likewise is getting increasingly sophisticated, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to necessitate virtual work and learning. Our cover story, “Tech, YES!” looks at some evolving training technologies and how organizations are successfully implementing them, plus some tips for Learning & Development (L&D) professionals to keep in mind.
Our 56,000 engaged Training Magazine Network members know what training technology works best for them and their organizations. That’s why we asked them to vote for the vendor partners they find to provide the most effective training tools and solutions for their work. Congratulations to all the 2021 Training Magazine Choice Award winners!
If you’re looking to rev up the use of training technology in your organization (plus reinforce some foundational skills), I invite you to join us for our TechLearn 2021 Virtual Conference October 25-29. The event features 130 immersive learning experiences, including practical breakouts, problem-solving sessions, Training Technology Test Kitchen and product demos, maker labs, interactive tours, and five keynotes. Explore real-world challenges and solutions LIVE with training experts and your L&D peers—plus access the recordings on-demand. Register at:
Are you ready? Beam us up, Scotty!