The “Great Resignation” has driven companies to offer better employee benefits; in the current job market, workers have more choices than ever. So how can you leverage this historical moment and land your dream job?
As a medical doctor and mindset coach, I often help my clients navigate considerable life changes, including career pivots.
Before You Quit Your Job
There are a few questions you should ask yourself before leaving your current company. First: Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to turn your side hustle into a career?
If the answer is yes, then you should consider staying in your current role for another six months or more, use your free time to plan your business, and store away extra savings (if feasible) to help cushion the first few months or years of trying to get your business off the ground. When I left my career as an emergency room physician and started my company, it was a big risk. I didn’t make a real profit for two years. Despite that, I felt happier and more fulfilled than ever because I was living the life I had always dreamed of.
If you don’t want to become an entrepreneur, the next important set of questions is: How does your current employer treat you? Do you feel respected in your role? Does your salary represent the value you bring to the company? Is a promotion attainable within the time frame you have in mind?
There may be opportunities for growth within your company, and sometimes it’s easier to negotiate for better compensation and benefits when you’ve already got your foot in the door. However, this isn’t always the case. You should especially consider leaving if your personal values don’t align with your current company’s culture.
If you decide to look for a new job, manage your expectations. Interviews are like blind dates. Both parties ask a lot of questions, feel each other out, and see if they’re compatible. It’s like when you first start a relationship with someone – the honeymoon period is fun and exciting. But you need to be realistic and avoid setting your expectations too high.
Health and Mindset Techniques
Here are some proven mindset techniques that can help you land your dream job:
- Good General Health. Fuel your body with what it needs to operate at an optimal level. My number one rule is to hydrate. You can’t live on caffeine alone. Your brain and muscles need a lot of water to function correctly. Several studies have shown that even mild dehydration can cause memory problems, a decline in mood, and lower concentration levels. Something else I suggest to my clients is to eat one serving of live food every day. That means eating something that isn’t cooked — raw blueberries, a banana, an apple, etc. When we cook our food, it voids a lot of nutrients.
- Visualization. Visualize achieving your professional goals during exercise. With each weight pulled or mile run, imagine yourself getting closer to your desired outcome. This tactic can be applied to the job-hunting process, which contains milestones like applying, landing your first interview, and so on. When you imagine achieving these milestones throughout your workout, you leverage the brain’s neuroplasticity, which is its innate ability to change and rewire itself. By making a neurological connection between your physical movements and goals, you help your mind believe that you can achieve them. A famous saying by Henry Ford sums this technique up: “Whether you think you can or can’t, you are probably right.”
- Focus on Your Happiness. What is important to you? Is having free time for the activities you love a priority? What about the flexibility of working outside regular business hours? Or is salary your most important consideration? Sometimes it can be worth losing some money for peace of mind. You might not mind $10,000 less a year if you get an extra day off every week. That extra time might let you focus on your own business or hobby.
- Why Hearing “No” is a Good Thing! If you keep hearing “no” from potential employers, that’s good! Think about your career as a marriage. Would you want to get married and be stuck with someone you’re not compatible with for 20 years? Probably not. They’re saying “no” because it’s not a good fit. Looking for a job isn’t easy, so give yourself grace and patience. Make sure you’re taking care of your mental health. This could be writing down three things you’re thankful for daily, doing 10 minutes of yoga, or turning off your phone for an hour to focus on the now.
The Road to Success
Tests and challenges will appear during your job search. Realizing your full potential requires self-examination. Personalized mindset coaching can help you overcome limiting self-beliefs, take care of your mental health, and achieve success.