Experior Financial Group, Inc. was established in Canada in 2014. With just a few agents, training seemed to be easy and done on-site in branch offices in and around Ontario, Canada. As the agency grew, establishing more offices was needed to provide agents with access to training. Over time, Agents with Experior established 26 branch offices across Canada and expanded into the USA in 2019. The timing couldn’t have been more unfortunate.
Impact of COVID-19
The pandemic arrived just as Experior opened its headquarters near Buffalo, New York. Due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, insurance agents could not train in offices as they had in the past. No longer was it safe to visit clients in their homes, and a solution was needed. In early 2017, I joined Experior as the CXO. (Chief Experience Officer or Chief of Kisses and Hugs is how I’m known today). Seeing the tremendous growth and opportunities for those in places in the far north where some individuals worked without the support of an office, I devised a plan to train virtually as opposed to traditional face-to-face meetings.
In the fall of 2019, we began virtual training for agents so that no matter where they were located, they could plug in and receive high-quality training without the need for brick-and-mortar buildings to support them. Zoom was the answer for us to reach out to all. Fortunately, this tactic worked well, and we offered the training each week along with the recordings, which we would post to our back office for review at later times.
Pivoting amid Covid
Thankfully, by doing this 4 months before COVID hit, we were able to pivot instantly so that it would not be difficult for our then 1600 licensed Agents to pivot all their training along with their in-person meetings with clients. Most were at least familiar with the online platforms we used, and they managed to outperform other agencies during this time, which hadn’t been online, and had to train agents how to use the technology to their advantage. Our insurance carrier partners well received our training as they learned how to move to a virtual environment using Experior as its trial platform. That was a success as the need was met.
As well, since 2017, we’ve been able to see products through from start to distribution in less than 5 weeks. Our non-tangible products can make distribution more difficult without technology. Product training is the key to success. Because we could maintain consensus and collaboration with the manufacturer, distributors, and intermediaries, products went from innovation to fulfillment in a very short period. Our now 4500+ Licensed Agents are trained using various platforms, Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, etc. Now, most carriers almost immediately fulfill products in virtual distribution platforms.
It’s important to have efficiencies within corporations to enter the market promptly. Collaboration and training are key. Distribution by turning on a dime with commitment from corporate is how companies can succeed. However, extensive discussions can delay innovation. Online training has made a world of difference in the financial services industry. It has opened up for our agents in part due to the opportunity to learn and work entirely virtually if needed.
The next innovations will come from Artificial Intelligence, facial recognition, blockchain, and platforms that have yet to be discovered. We live in interesting times. Another pandemic will undoubtedly bring about more innovation.