Productivity Coach’s Corner: More Valuable Feedback

When providing feedback, provide clear, actionable points that foster growth.

Hypothesis: The receiver of feedback has a MOST important role.

What can you do? Next time you do something for someone, right before working together say, “I’m going to ask you for feedback. Will you be on the lookout for _____?”

Share—specifically—what you’re working to improve: a skill, a competency, an ability.

Let’s connect feedback with the recipient’s goals. When giving feedback, provide clear, actionable points that foster growth. Feedback can play a part in a development journey, offering support by creating an open space for dialogue.

Be intentional to transform feedback into a powerful tool for growth.

Dr. Jason Womack
Dr. Jason W. Womack ( is an author, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach working with organizations as they re-imagine not just how people work together, but the way colleagues both take care of AND challenge each other. His programs help people stress less, focus more, and achieve greater levels of success…as defined by each individual who contributes to the organizational mission. His books can be found at Amazon: