AI Tutors, Coaches, and Mentors

How to leverage these tools to scale learning in the flow of work.

For years, the concept of “learning in the flow of work”—where people build knowledge and skills as part of their daily tasks—has been a key focus in workplace development. The challenge has been finding ways to make this vision a reality on a larger scale. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) is driving a significant shift, providing tools that enable organizations to integrate real-time knowledge access and skill-building directly into workflows. This not only reduces reliance on formal training but also ensures employees can continuously learn and adapt in the moments they need it most.


Four key approaches are leading the way:

1.AI-Powered Enterprise Search: Streamlining Knowledge Access. While not traditionally considered part of the learning umbrella, AI-powered enterprise search bots are becoming low-hanging fruit for enabling knowledge access outside of formal job aids and training. These systems enable workers to “talk to” documents and data through natural language, asking questions just as one would of colleagues, getting real-time answers with links. Organizations are rolling this out for all types of roles and functions—from call center knowledge repositories to HR policy documents. This shift reduces the need for memorizing ever-changing information, focusing instead on quick access and practical application.

2.AI Tutors: 24/7 Learning Assistance. Building on the idea of real-time knowledge access, AI tutors—often built into learning platforms—take it a step further by providing personalized, interactive support. For example, Udacity’s AI tutor is like a customized ChatGPT window. It pulls from course material to deliver instant, tailored answers, allowing learners to overcome challenges 24/7 without waiting for instructor feedback. Many learning vendors are incorporating some form of this into their platforms, which makes learning more accessible, efficient, and engaging.

3.AI Mentors: Scaling Expertise. Experts play a critical role in any organization, but their time often is limited. AI mentors offer a way to scale their knowledge and insights across teams or even the entire organization. This process involves capturing an expert’s knowledge through interview notes, written content, video or podcast transcripts, and similar resources, then using it to create an AI-powered knowledge base. By “AI-ifying” their subject matter experts (SMEs), organizations allow employees to interact with a virtual version of the expert, ask questions, and gain insights. This approach ensures that critical expertise is accessible 24/7 across the organization.

4.AI Role-Play Coaches: Practicing Skills on Demand. Practicing skills such as customer service, negotiation, or pitching has always been challenging outside of formal training programs. Traditional role-plays require a partner and scheduled time, making them difficult to scale. AI role-play coaches, on the other hand, solve this by offering on-demand, risk-free practice, allowing employees to simulate realistic scenarios and receive personalized feedback. For chat-based tasks such as call center support, text interfaces are often sufficient. However, more nuanced situations, such as negotiation or difficult conversations, benefit from a more human touch. In these cases, some organizations are incorporating avatar-based options that replicate eye contact, body language, and natural interactions, creating a lifelike practice environment. These tools enable learners to take repeated “shots on goal,” building confidence and refining their approach until they’re ready for real-world challenges.


AI-powered tools are fundamentally changing how knowledge is accessed and skills are developed. From enterprise search bots that deliver instant answers to role-play coaches that allow unlimited practice, these technologies are making learning more accessible, efficient, and deeply integrated into daily work.

The lines between formal training and on-the-job learning are blurring. The result is a workforce better prepared to adapt, grow, and succeed in the face of today’s complexity and rapid pace of change.

Yulia Barnakova
Yulia Barnakova is passionate about helping people develop the skills and learning mindset to thrive in the digital age. She is always experimenting with emerging technologies and has been recognized by Microsoft as a “Most Valuable Professional” for her creative presentation technology tutorials, which have more than 8 million views on YouTube. Her recent TEDx Talk, Think You’re Not Tech Savvy? Here’s Why You Are, shows how everyone can (and must) develop the mindset and skill set embrace technology. Barnakova is an emerging tech strategist for Accenture, a global technology consulting firm. In her role, she works with Fortune 500 leaders to envision how emerging technologies will transform their business and how to stay ahead.