
What often gets in the way of mid-level performers rising to the next level? Most new and mid-level performers do not ANTICIPATE what will happen next!

Not long ago, I was conducting a leadership conference with several managers and sales executives. At the meeting, one of the managers shared with the group the following story about one of his tenured salespeople.

During a typical field day, they were doing “rounds” to catch up with some of their existing customers, as well as trying to connect with some potential customers they were unable to get time with to discuss their products. In one particular scenario, an existing customer with limited interest happened to turn the corner and approach them. In some cases, when a customer—existing or prospective—sees a salesperson, they tend to alter their path and walk the other way. But in this case, the customer approached and simply asked, “What’s up?”

For some unknown reason, the salesperson froze and the manager took the call over. Eventually, the salesperson re-engaged, and they completed the conversation. After this happened, the manager said he took the salesperson to a private area and asked, “What happened?”

The salesperson simply replied, “The customer surprised me!”

Most of the managers and sales executives at the meeting related to the story. There is a good chance that this scenario plays out more often than expected. This situation is one of the key findings in our research about what gets in the way of mid-level performers rising to the next level. Most new and mid-level performers do not ANTICIPATE what will happen next!

Anticipation is a concept that is prevalent in sports. Teams, coaches, and players watch the films of their opponent. They study their tendencies and put together a game plan. However, most mid-level performers don’t anticipate what the customer (existing/prospective) is going to say, do, react, or respond.

No More Surprises

Fortunately, this can be easily resolved. Most customers are highly predictable. There is a good chance that 80 percent of customers open conversations the same way. Given some consideration and study, salespeople should no longer be surprised!

Top performers are not surprised; they tend to be prepared. Top performers can anticipate how the conversation will unfold. Customers more often than not simply say the same highly predictable greetings, comments, and responses day in and day out. For this reason, the element of surprise should vanish. With a little forethought and anticipation, you can almost map out what a customer will say to you. At times there will be some variation, but for the most part, they will say and do the same things. It is incumbent upon a good manager to help the mid-level performer realize this pattern is occurring.

Moving forward, attention to the customer’s patterns and responses are essential for growth. When salespeople recognize that customers are conventional in their thinking, productivity and results will go up. A little anticipation will go a long way. Therefore, give it some thought!

Author of McGraw Hill’s “Take Your Sales to the Next Level”, Charlie Brennan brings a unique blend of innovative skills and real-world application to his presentations. His techniques have been featured in leading publications and called a breakthrough approach in sales and management development. He is a veteran of more than 2,500 live and virtual presentations. His concepts are the primary training format for many mid-sized to Fortune 500 companies. His Master’s degree in training and development and understanding of adult learning enables him to conduct interactive, challenging and memorable presentations. Brennan’s experience on the platform, as well as in the field, enables him to connect with the audience. As president of his own firm, Brennan Sales Institute, he has been a provider of Advanced Sales Training programs since 1984. For more information about the programs and to hear a live version of his presentations, visit, call 610.449.6110, or e-mail