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Cheyanne Dwyer

Cheyanne Dwyer
Cheyanne Dwyer teaches students to embrace their inner problem solver. As the first official Building Momentum employee, Cheyanne has risen the ranks to become a key member of the group’s leadership team. Cheyanne’s solutions-oriented approach to the company’s DoD and corporate training programs have proved instrumental. As International Director of Education, Cheyanne motivates and instructs teams of professionals and students to prototype solutions quickly and efficiently. She is a skilled, self-taught technology teacher for all ages with deep experience in coding, welding, laser cutting, solar power, electronics, soldering, 3D printing, and CAD. Cheyanne is also an Adjunct Professor of Prototyping and Fabrication at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Cheyanne is also a key leader at Athena Rapid Response Innovation lab and she travels with the team around the world to various disaster zones prototyping solutions to problems on the ground. Cheyanne graduated from Christopher Newport University with a BA in Theater Design.

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