Becoming the Protagonist in Your Personal Brand Story

When you have an authentic brand story that shines a light on the “why” of your business, it increases client attraction.

Consumers are becoming more interested in making emotional connections with the brands they support. It’s vital that businesses examine their messaging because consumers are losing trust in companies that aren’t transparent. Consumers are more likely to buy from companies with purpose-driven, authentic stories that build customer trust. If people don’t believe in the founder’s story, they won’t believe in the company. It’s no surprise, then, that Merriam-Webster’s 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic.’


Authenticity can be challenging for business owners, especially if they have difficult past stories. But those difficult stories are exactly what they must explore to create authenticity in both internal and external communications. Gaining the trust of employees and consumers is vital to the company’s success. 

What does it mean to be authentic? To be authentic, business owners need to be vulnerable.

I know vulnerability can be scary, but if you want to share the how and the why of your entrepreneurial path, you need to be willing to open up about the parts that aren’t so pretty. If you need a little help with the vulnerability aspect of authenticity, working with a business story strategist can help you dig in and find a way to share all parts of your path and business in a way that will accelerate growth through that authentic story strategy.  

What are the elements of an authentic story strategy?

The same elements every good story has: an engaging main character who the audience can root for, a conflict that forces that character to search for a solution, and a resolution that motivates them to make positive choices in their lives.

Main Character: Company founders are the protagonists in the story strategy. Employees and consumers (the audience) need to know the founder’s authentic story so that the audience knows who they are rooting for and what they are supporting.

Conflict: How did the founder get on this current path? What was the conflict? What problem was the founder trying to solve? What was that path like? What are the failures and/or bumps in the road? Honesty here is crucial. The audience will know if the conflict isn’t real.

Resolution: How did those issues get resolved? How is this company the answer to those issues? How is this company going to make a difference in other people’s lives? When a business venture is a natural progression or solution to a real problem, the audience will cheer for the protagonist and support the mission.

Audience: The final story element many businesses overlook is the ideal audience. A big misconception in storytelling is that stories are written for all audiences. The truth is, the most successful stories have a specific audience. If your business is trying to make everyone happy, you will make no one happy. When you focus on the specific problems of a specific audience (hint: it’s usually people just like you), your business is more likely going to be a successful venture. Will there be a crossover to a larger audience? If the story is truly authentic, there’s a high possibility. Look no further than the Harry Potter and Barbie movies, for example, but all successful stories start with a specific audience in mind.

What’s the point?

There’s power in storytelling. A powerful, authentic message builds strong, authentic connections. Those connections create loyal customers who will then carry the message forward. When you have an authentic story that shines a light on the “why” of your business, it increases client attraction. Customers will see the value and be able to trust your business.

Mandy Schulis
Mandy Schulis is a successful serial entrepreneur and former single mom who has turned her organizational and storytelling skills into a business that cures the pain points most CEO entrepreneurs experience. Mandy Schulis & Co. combines Mandy’s 20 years of entrepreneurship with her MBA and certifications in coaching, trauma recovery, and holistic health to function as a Fractional COO and Executive Coach for CEO entrepreneurs. She is available for executive-level coaching, 1:1 and group strategy sessions, and speaking engagements. Learn more about her at