Is There Such a Thing as Rejection Training?
If not, there should be as it can help both managers and employees continue to progress in their careers and continue to learn.
Thinking the Best of Each Other at Work
Key ways to avoid misunderstandings that lead to assumptions of bad intent among colleagues.
Treating Colleagues Like Customers
In addition to making it easier for employees to work with one another, treating colleagues like customers has benefits such as enhancing the employee experience and increasing employee engagement.
Helping Employees Find the Higher Purpose in Their Work
Every company’s top executives should be able to explain in no more than a few sentences how the work of employees at every level of the organization helps improve the lives of individual customers or a whole community.
Are Your Employees About to Join the Great Resignation?
Conversations to have with employees at least once a year to head off surprise resignations.
If You Have a Mission Statement, Do Your Employees Know?
Tips on training employees on your organization’s mission.
Should Your Employees Be TikToking Their Work Days?
There’s much for your employees to share from their work life in videos on TikTok that would be fun for them and helpful to your company; likewise, there’s a lot of content on TikTok your company’s decision-makers could learn from.
Do You Stress Test Your Customer Service Employees?
You might want to consider having your company’s trainers “mystery shop” your customer service employees and then provide training on how to make customer interactions more joyful and less painful.
Accommodating Employees’ New Work-Life Balance Expectations
During this Great Resignation era, organizations could woo tired, unhappy employees away with the promise of a lunch break that includes time for a leisurely stroll or an “unplugged” vacation free from e-mail or phone calls.
Can Personality Assessments Pigeonhole Employees?
The key is using these tools to make the most of each employee’s strengths while not presuming what they can and cannot do or what roles they might be able to grow into.