Training Day Blog

Avoiding the “Parent Trap”

It’s important to offer schedule flexibility to both parents and non-parents in the workplace.

Can You Help Your Employees Overcome “Rejection Sensitivity”?

One solution is fostering a corporate culture that emphasizes patience and encourages trial and error, so that errors are forgivable as long as they lead to improvement.

No Better Time for a Workplace Wellness Program

When Americans were told to “lock down” and to “stay home, stay safe” during COVID-19, many took it to mean cook and eat all day—while stretched out on the couch watching television. As a result, many are heavier and in worse physical (and maybe mental) shape than they were a year ago.

How Pivot Spaces Can Provide Pandemic Relief

Pivot spaces are open spaces with couches, chairs, and even desks, in casual arrangements reminiscent of lounge areas that can be reconfigured to encourage socially distanced groups.

Why More Money Alone DOESN’T Equal More Motivation

What often works far better to motivate employees is individual recognition in front of peers and creative, experiential incentives.

Why You Should NOT Consider Culture Fit When Hiring

“Culture fit” often translates into a requirement that new employees have similar life experiences and a similar perspective as existing employees, thereby often eliminating women and minorities.

Can a Remote Workforce Be a Toxic Workforce?

Whereas many employers used to respect the regular working hours of employees, working from home means many no longer do. Micromanagement can be another toxic problem worsened by working virtually.

What to Do When People Deny the Existence of Racism in the Workplace

Conducting diversity and inclusion surveys and holding discussion groups to review the results and strategize how to do better can be a good place to start.

Are Your Employees Suffering From “Boreout”?

Organizations face a balancing act to keep employees feeling secure and in control of their responsibilities without feeling like they are doing their work on autopilot and becoming unengaged and bored.

Staff Morale: Booster Shots of Appreciation Needed During the Pandemic

Just as the government has offered a stimulus package, companies can consider doing the same for their employees.

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