When Corporate Wellness Initiatives Turn into Judgment and Shaming
With wellness initiatives in the office, a part of employees’ lives—their diet and fitness—that used to be considered strictly private—now is open for discussion and criticism.
Do Men Respect Women More—Or Are They Just Scared of Us Now?
Many men have taken the MeToo lesson to mean walking on eggshells around women employees, rather than improving their view of women’s capabilities and ability to move up the ranks of their organization.
Is it Reasonable for Employees to Expect Happiness at Work?
I’ve heard that happy employees tend to be more productive and provide better customer service, but I also can’t escape from the fact that “happiness” sometimes is a benefit touted to offset poor pay.
The Co-Worker Quotient
Research has found that co-worker relationships are a leading contributor to workplace well-being, but also can contribute to employee stress and burnout.
Saluting the Lazy Employee
Lazy people are driven to make their lives easier, and when you’re looking for ways to make your life easier, you’re often led to creative, resourceful thinking.
The Power of Pessimism
It’s a pessimist who would be smart enough to say, “Let’s under-promise and over-deliver. Let’s assume everything won’t go as planned, and build in leeway for ourselves, so if everything does go our way, we will have exceeded our customer’s expectations, and if everything doesn’t go our way, we will have at least met their expectations.”
Is Money the Top Motivator of Your Employees?
The times I have worked the hardest have been the times when I felt the most appreciated, and when I saw an opportunity to pursue an area of interest, such as writing about a topic that had meaning for me.
Jerk-Resistance Training
The trick is teaching employees to be resilient and resourceful enough to find the one or two things they can learn from the “jerks” in their work lives—whether colleagues, managers, or customers—and then use those things to get the jerk to become less of a jerk.
Bring Your Friend to Work Day
A day devoted to bringing a friend to the office could be beneficial for your organization; your organization’s community; and an individual in need of a new, or more fulfilling, job.
How Many Chances Should Salespeople Get?
In sales training, it’s just as important to train those managing the salespeople as it is to train the salespeople themselves. It’s the manager who is responsible for setting goals, providing training and job-support resources, and then holding the salespeople accountable for their performance.