Training Day Blog

Maternity Leave Without the Maternity Part

Some employees are not having babies, but they have “brainchildren” and personal fulfillment they would like to nurture. Does your company offer paid leave for employees to pursue outside interests?

How Much “Emotional Labor” Does Your Job Require?

The requirement of calibrating emotions to keep others comfortable sometimes is referred to as “emotional labor.” At any organizations, women often are held to a different, more nitpicky standard of emotional calibration or labor than men.

Wish List: A Cloud-Based Workload Management System

The great thing about workload management is managing your work well means more time not having to think about work at all.

High-Tech Workplace S.O.S.

Will a growing percentage of our work transferred to machines mean it will become easier to ask for—and receive—help?

Workplace Anger Management 101

How can you train employees to productively express anger or frustration and then move on without irreparably damaging workplace relationships?

Can Artificial Intelligence Help You Better Manage Your Workforce?

The technology could send automated reports about workforce productivity, so you don’t have to rely on annual performance reviews to identify areas where more training is needed.

Go Ahead and Record Me at Work—Please!

How can audio and video recordings of employee interactions, such as at meetings, be used as a tool to improve workgroup and individual performance?

Is Collaboration Overrated?

As I brainstorm survival techniques for an introvert in an open-plan office, I dream of a day when “collaboration” will be more than the peanut gallery offering comments and criticism while one or two people carry the load.

Is “Workplace Wellness” a Lie?

According to a new study, 39 wellness-related outcomes were measured, from sick days to health-care spending. The researchers found no significant effect in 37 of the 39 outcomes.

Should You Keep a Database of Job Candidates You Almost Hired?

The hiring process is grueling for both candidate and company, so it’s probably worth giving that candidate you almost hired a call or e-mail when new opportunities arise.

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