Training Day Blog

When the Going Gets “Ruff”—Allow Employees to Bring Dogs to Work

When you’ve just spent 20 minutes on the phone with an angry, unreasonable client, wouldn’t it help to have an adorable cocker spaniel curl up around your feet?

The Worst Companies to Work for: What a Recent Report Tells Us

One of the biggest problems employees cite is poor work-life balance.

Do You Want Courageous or Fearful Employees?

It’s frustrating and depressing when nothing gets done in a timely manner—or at all—because of an excessive approval process.

Do You Have a Looming Retention Problem?

Most companies at least make a show of valuing employees, but it may be the right time to think deeply about whether you truly do, and if you truly do, whether your employees would agree with you.

Do Employees Need Personal Finance Help?

A study, released last week by PwC, and summarized as a part of a Reuters report, found that a quarter of U.S. workers said financial worries caused them health problems. Forty percent said finances distracted them at work, and 15 percent said these problems made them miss work.

Are You Contributing to Employee Depression?

Hyper-stressful, competitive workplaces may be penny wise and pound foolish. You might—possibly—achieve short-term financial gains, but at the long-term expense of employee mental health and an inability to retain your workforce.

The New Office I’m Looking Forward to—Maybe

Open-plan office spaces are billed as greatly loved by creative types, but is that true? Even if it’s tiny, there’s something psychologically helpful about a cubicle that’s yours alone, and comes with three walls shielding you from sight.

Are You Ready to Recruit the Post-Millennial Generation?

If your first question is about previous work experience or why the job applicant is interested in working for you, there’s a good chance a Post-Millennial will tune you out. Your question isn’t interesting or entertaining enough.

Should Potential Employees Interview YOU Instead?

The questions people ask are sometimes more revealing than the answers they give. If you allow job applicants to ask you whatever question they want, you get the best sense of their familiarity with your company and industry. Similarly, you get a sense of their passion and engagement.

Will Trainers Be Replaced by On-Demand Technology?

Training can be better than a public on-demand “learning” platform like Google or YouTube, or even a custom-created on-demand program, but it takes careful thought.

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