Training Day Blog

Is Creativity Anathema to Your Office?

There are many questions to ask yourselves when thinking about how to foster creativity in your workplace. The first question is to decide if you truly want creative people, and then how much you are able and willing to accommodate their needs.

Will Harvey Weinstein Make It Harder to Champion Women?

Rather than helping women by bringing to light how easily harassment can occur, recent sexual harassment scandals may make male executives skittish about championing young women they believe in—especially if championing means a lot of one-on-one time.

Do We All Literally Need to Learn to Speak Millennial?

Use of the word “literally” is just one example of how the language tendencies of the youngest generation may take older employees time to get used to.

Do Employees Need a Professional “Brand”?

In today’s social media-driven culture, many people carefully curate the images they post to their Facebook and Instagram accounts, and create professional Websites with professionally created personal logos. They think about and brand themselves with an amount of attention that in the old days would have been reserved for commodities like potato chips and clothing lines.

Being a Great Boss: Innate Ability or Teachable Skill?

As too many of us have experienced, not all employees who get promoted to leadership positions are worthy of those positions.

How Do You Express Anger to Employees?

A key to being respectful in expressing anger is doing so in a private setting with an employee, rather than in an open area where all of that person’s co-workers can overhear him or her getting dressed down.

Your Office May Be Like a Bus Depot

How can we use the many communication tools we have available in our offices to keep everyone in the loop about employee comings and goings, temporary employees, and visitors to the office?

Bringing Nature (or at Least a Few Plants or Photos) to Employees

How can you make the most of people’s proven affinity for nature in reducing your employees’ stress levels, and, thereby, boosting productivity?

Workplace Interruptions: Why Cubicles Should Have Doorbells

How do you manage interruptions in your workplace, so employees are able to get what they need from each other in a way that helps everyone complete their work on time?

Diversity in Small Spaces Can Equal Greater Success

The challenge of surviving tight quarters with people you wouldn’t necessarily invite to a dinner party means you’re forced to acknowledge those people’s strengths, and make the most of them.

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