Training Day Blog

Technology to Match Employees and Managers?

Many people these days find their life mates using online dating sites, some of which have assessments people take to determine the personality traits that go best with potential matches. Could that same technology be applied to a company’s intranet to match managers with employees?


Wouldn’t be great to bring new ideas, and unorthodox approaches, to a CEO, and see her eyes widen with excitement instead of fear? My custom-made CEO would say: “That’s interesting! What can we do to make that happen?”

Training Challenge: How Do You Teach Balancing Numbers and Instinct in Decision-Making?

Business simulations, in which participants are required to make challenging decisions after weighing the numbers with “softer” factors such as gut instinct, are one way to practice using both kinds of decision-making tools.

Good Results, But Abusive Work Environment

How can organizations create a competitive, entrepreneurial environment that produces results without encouraging abuse such as that reported on recently at companies such as Uber?

What Does Corporate “Wellness” Mean to You?

Does your company think about healthy options for food and beverages at meetings, or how to help employees stick to their diet and fitness regimen while traveling for business?

A Workplace for the Ages

Searching for creative ways companies can benefit from the expertise and skills of employees of all ages.

On Board with Onboarding?

An on-demand information and learning directory, in place of a huge overview a new employee is likely to forget, is an essential modern tool. But it shouldn’t replace the in-person introductions.

From White Collar Sweatshop to Progressive Employer?

Millennials, and many of us Generation Xers, prefer to buy from companies we feel good about paying, so I wonder if I was one of many who tried to shop elsewhere after the harsh treatment of Amazon’s workforce was revealed.

What Is Your Great Manager Checklist?

Skills and knowledge for each department, or line of business, obviously vary, but it seems like every company should be able to identify, beyond knowledge and skills, the consistent characteristics of a great manager.

Do You Offer Anger Management 101?

When you train your employees to serve customers, it’s important to prepare for tinderbox scenarios in which your company’s relationship with a customer has the potential to blow up, along with your profits.

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