Training Day Blog

Curtailing Workplace Pettiness

Can manager training programs, and the right corporate culture, create a workplace that is above small-thinking interactions?

Greater Sexism for Senior-Level Women?

A recent study, reported on by Emma Lord in online publication Bustle, shows that as women advance to higher-level positions, they may face even greater gender-based bias than they experienced as lower-level workers.

Should We Be Managing By the Numbers?

Some companies are relying more and more on big data and less on human intuition to make decisions about who to hire and fire.

Is On-Time, High-Quality Work a Gamble at Your Company?

When people are encouraged to put their vacation days or other perks on the line, you learn a lot about what they think of their co-workers, themselves, and their company.

How Much More Should Your CEO Make than Your Average Employee?

Unfairly low pay will have an impact the amount and quality of work you can train your employees to produce while also depressing employee morale.

Does Your Recruitment Need to Be More Proactive?

A mentoring program that reaches outside your company for potential candidates could help identify and recruit potential employees that are a good fit for the organization.

What Happens When Women Lead?

Many speculate that more women at the helm in more companies means more opportunities throughout companies for women.

Are You Ready for Workforce 2017?

“2017 will be the year of musical chairs,” believes leadership expert Roberta Matuson, who believes employees will jump from organization to organization searching for what she calls “Nirvana.”

Should We Be Suspicious of “Best” Workplaces?

Providing employees plush office space with amenities doesn’t necessarily compensate them in full for long hours or being on call all the time.

Can an Employee Ask Too Many Questions?

According to new research from Oregon State University, people who have a strong “diversive” curiosity trait, or curiosity associated with the interest in exploring unfamiliar topics and learning something new, are more likely to come up with creative solutions to a problem.

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