Gossip as a Workplace Communication Tool
Companies often drag their heels in communicating important information to employees, so it’s a relief that we at least have gossip to tide us over, and enable us to do some advance planning.
Do Office Dress Codes Still Make Sense?
The clothing we decide to brave the world in is a personal choice. If an employee is customer-facing, the company can give specific directives. But if an employee is not meeting with customers, it’s hard to require much.
Are Workplace Celebrations Important?
To make personal celebrations at work more meaningful, you could turn birthday cards into recognition cards, for example.
How Would Your Female Employees Rate Your Company?
A new Website gives women the opportunity to share their stories about the workplace, including allowing them to express their feelings about their employer’s policies, practices, and culture.
Emotionally Intelligent Managers and Corporate Social Responsibility
Charity truly starts at home, so it could be looked at as the ultimate corporate social responsibility to be aware of the emotions and well-being of your employees.
Can Your Company Embrace the “Strange” Brain?
There is a tendency in many organizations to lose patience with any idea or concept that is not easily understood, or easily matched up with proven models. But that can result in less innovative thinking.
Turning a Tangent into Creativity
The beauty of tangents in meetings is they’re genuine. Conversation stemming from them flows easily. When that happens, what you can learn about each other, and your own company, can be eye-opening, and even profitable.
Taking the Joy Out of Micromanagement
The idea that you can create greater results developing employees by NOT managing them is revolutionary, or it could be if more companies would train their managers to give it a try.
Who Deserves Access to Information in the Workplace?
Access to information is what people need to advance and prove themselves. When employees are brought into important conversations early, they have the opportunity to contribute ideas and influence how plans are implemented.
Can You Train for (Admirable) Values?
The values you encourage and train on shape your employees’ performance, and the products and services they deliver to customers.