Training Day Blog

Teambuilding Exercises Can Miss the Mark

Determining what’s OK—and what’s not—when organizing teambuilding activities can be a difficult challenge.

Is Personalized, Adaptive Learning Right for Your Company?

Personalized learning technology has the ability to present learning in different formats depending on what the individual’s performance tells the technology about his or her preferred learning style.

How Are Trainers Doing Salary-Wise? And What Can You Do About It?

It’s important to build self-confidence and engagement in your own development to demand what you feel you deserve.

Turning Diversity into a Diversity of New Ideas

What role do trainers and Human Resources executives play in creating platforms for a more diverse set of voices to be heard, and seriously considered, when important decisions need to be made?

How Much Training Do Employees Want?

In a recent study, 69 percent of employees under age 40 claimed that training opportunities are an important factor in their decision to stay with their current company/position or leave.

Should Companies Excuse Excuses?

The concept of sick and personal days may be too formal and structured for the realities of life today—and actually may inhibit productivity.

Can 360-Degree Reviews Politic-Proof Your Workplace?

Such reviews are especially effective when the reviewers are assured that they can speak freely without their boss being told who said what about him or her.

Is Your Company Resilient to Employee Development?

It isn’t employees who need “resilience” training to accept change. Rather, those in decision-making positions need to be on board with the idea of change in the form of new experiences and opportunities for employees—even when those new opportunities result in a period of discomfort.

Are Your Best Employees Pressured to Leave Their Jobs?

It’s rare to encounter a company that does a good job of acknowledging the reality that, regardless of promises of collaboration, there is always one person in each work group who carries the heaviest load, and without whom the work simply wouldn’t get done.

Is It Time to Kill the Resume?

Having applicants first send in a sample piece of work, rather than a resume, would trim the pool of applicants you invite in for an interview to only those you already know for sure can do the work.

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