Can Trainers Help Simplify Business Processes?
The tendency to complicate, rather than simplify, relates to corporate culture, and corporate culture usually begins getting ingrained in new employees as soon as they’re hired.
Is Reference-Checking Training Necessary?
A skilled manager with the proper training knows how to ask questions that elicit telling responses when checking a job candidate’s references.
Training Sealed Lips
When the need arises to keep quiet on a topic or issue in your office, do your employees know how—and understand why it is important to do so?
Do Your Executives Need a Communication Workshop?
It’s crucial for employees at all levels to know and understand their organization’s corporate strategic goals.
Employee Loyalty and the Power of Individual Recognition
What is your organization’s system for ensuring individual recognition doesn’t slip through the cracks?
Does Your Workplace Have “Creative Confidence?”
Bringing in more empathy, bringing back data from the front lines, jumping into action—that can lead to more creative confidence.
Is Your Company Ready for Bring Your Parents to Work Day?
What do you think such a day would involve, and what would be the benefit to the company?
Collaboration vs. Privacy in the Workplace
How does your company balance the needs of employees to have a private space in which to think and work with the benefits of collaboration?
How Diverse Are Voices at Your Meetings?
How does your company ensure all voices—not just the loudest—are heard when new ideas are being generated?
Training Managers into Role Models
Is there a way to train managers to model appropriate, considerate behavior to those working under them? What do you do to encourage mannerly managers?