Can You Train Painless Sharing of Office Space?
What kinds of office co-habitation workshops or exercises do you provide at your company?
Personality Assessments: How Can You Best Use Them?
Do you use personality assessments at your company? If so, how do you use them effectively, to make the most of employees’ potential?
What Workplace Trends Are You Thankful For?
Consider doing a quick e-mail survey to see what your employees are most grateful for. It might tell you something about your company’s strengths and weaknesses.
Are Expectations Too High for Women Execs?
How do you ensure women job candidates and employees are held to the same standards as men candidates and employees, and how can you teach women to not hold themselves to detrimentally exacting standards?
Pets in the Workplace: Not the Cat’s Meow?
Are pets (and any other animals) in your office a realistic possibility? What would you need to do to make your office pet-friendly?
Is Learning Celebrated Yet Neglected at Your Company?
How do you encourage corporate leaders to take learning initiatives seriously, rather than just paying lip service to how great learning and training is?
Are Your Company’s Managers Also Coaches?
How do you train your company’s managers to serve as coaches to employees?
Is Your Company Cultivating Echo Employees?
How can companies free their employees from the fear of expressing new ideas and new ways of getting work done?
Can the Apple Watch Aid Employee Wellness?
Do you think about how the wellness of your workforce contributes to productivity and employee on-the-job happiness and comfort? Could wearable technology, along with walking and smoke-free initiatives, be a helpful tool?
Do Your Employees Have Better IT at Home?
How important is it to your company to provide up-to-date and efficient digital systems to employees and train them on such systems?