Training Day Blog

How Well Do Your Employees Communicate?

Do you provide communication training to employees? If so, what does this training consist of?

Termination Training: How Long Should It Take to Fire a Problem Employee?

What kind of training do you give managers to ensure termination of problem employees goes smoothly and quickly?

Can Scheduled Playtime Boost Productivity?

Do you support full access to social media and entertainment Websites in your office, including the company facilitating related get-togethers in conference rooms? Does this help or hurt employees? Why?

Do Mothers Make Better Employees?

Do you make use in training programs of the skills employees gain as parents? Are those lessons often a good place to begin conversations about interpersonal and management challenges?

On the Move: Our Increasingly Temporary Workforce

Does your company use temporary employees? If not, why not? If so, how do you integrate them with your full-time, permanent employees to ensure uninterrupted productivity?

Do Tattoos Affect Job Performance?

How do you guide and train managers to approach hiring employees who deviate in personal appearance from what you and your customers or clients are used to?

Comrade or Competitor? Set the Tone When Onboarding

Does your onboarding program include tutorials and/or role-play exercises on how to interact with colleagues and managers? How do you set the tone for workplace relationships?

Does Your Company Trust Its Employees?

What is the best way for a company to balance trusting employees with protecting itself?

Employee Morale Not in Bloom? Try a Workplace Garden

Would your company consider starting a workplace garden? The possibilities for morale boosting and lessons learned are immense when a garden blooms—tap into the growth potential of your employees, so to speak.

Taking It Personally: Is Emotional Involvement OK?

Does your corporate culture allow for self-expression and reasonable displays of emotion and concern?

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