Training Day Blog

Hard Truths About Soft Skills

How do you ensure your managers understand the importance of both hard and soft skills, and are able to recruit and develop employees accordingly?

Ready to Attract Millennial Talent?

Their focus on having a fulfilling life outside of the office means younger workers will be most drawn to companies that enable flexibility.

Winning Women

Does your company see the progress of more women into the top levels of your organization as a priority? How important is creating a balanced executive team?

Join the Conversation: Could Greater Use of E-Mail Help?

What if a meeting to generate new ideas began two to three weeks in advance with an e-mail to participants asking that they submit their top three ideas a few days before the meeting?

Stress Management 101

Stress management is a key to successful management of employees, so it seems only natural that companies would have stress management programming or discussion as part of leadership development and new manager training. But that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Questioning the Questioner

Rather than think of the job interview as a game of “gotcha,” it would benefit companies to train managers to put applicants at ease with meaningful questions.

Change Management: Are Participatory Managers Better?

I suspect that greater employee buy-in would be possible if more change management was led by managers who ask for changes that they, personally, also will have a responsibility to pitch in and make a reality.

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