Sharing Stories to Show Truth
Leveraging the internal tales of leadership to reinforce positive culture and right behaviors.
A Tribute to Don Kirkpatrick
Saying goodbye to Don Kirkpatrick, a friend and colleague—and a true legend of the training profession.
E-Learning in Higher Ed
Online learning in higher education poses different challenges due to unique characteristics of the market.
Start With Why
The key to developing engaging education lies in first establishing the motivation to learn.
Unconscious Bias
Research demonstrates that we all harbor unconscious biases. The good news is that enhanced awareness and training can create an inclusive culture that identifies and helps eliminate these hidden biases.
Focus on Finland
Training costs may be higher in Finland, but this is balanced by the low-risk environment and excellent growth potential.
Make Sure Big Data Adds Up
The science of data collection is meaningless without the art of interpretation.
Enable Business Goals Through L&D
Six ways to accelerate performance and strategy with your L&D expertise.
If “Culture” Is Key, How Can Training Help?
Learning is an irreplaceable component in defining an organization’s culture to support the innovation, market adaptation, and employee engagement necessary for success.