Legacy of a CLO
By Lorri Freifeld
Ask Ernst & Young Chief Learning Officer Mike Hamilton if there were anything he could do over again in his career, what it would be, and he just shakes his head. “I can’t imagine a better career than I’ve had,” he says. “I have traveled around the world. I had the opportunity to work with really talented people, many of whom view the world very differently than I do. My roles at Ernst & Young have always excited me and stretched me. I am not sure one can ask for more in a career.”
Training Today: Dive Into 2013 Training Trends
In the Words Consulting offers some trends training professionals should consider tapping into in 2013 (if you haven’t already):
On the Road Again
By Jason W. Womack, MEd, MA
Looking at your calendar for the month, you may have a trip (or two) already planned. While being “on the road” is good for business, it can take its toll on your health, relationships, and well-being. Here are three things to consider as you get ready to board that flight:
Training Today: The Lost Leadership Capability
By Samantha Howland, Senior Partner and Executive Training Director, DSI
In an era of unprecedented uncertainty, the ability to think strategically has emerged as an indispensable skill in helping leaders and organizations navigate change and sustain growth. Yet, for those charged with identifying and developing strategic thinkers, there is no clear path.
2013 Best Practices and Outstanding Training Initiatives
BB&T Corporation: Leadership Development Program (LDP)
Twice a year, a class of Leadership Development Program (LDP) associates relocates to BB&T University for nine months to participate in the four phases of the program. Associates choose one of two concentrations to specialize in: business banking or specialized corporate functions. Program framework and highlights include:
How Do YOU Think?
By Judy Chartrand, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Pearson TalentLens
2013 Training Top 125: CHG Healthcareメs Rx for Success
By Margery Weinstein