The Importance of Measurement in Employee Engagement
By Alan E. Hall, Founder and Chairman, MarketStar (now a division of Omnicom)
Imagine half of your workforce going through the motions while looking for other employment. According to a recent Gallup study on employee engagement, approximately 54 percent of employees in the United States are not engaged in their organization (
7 Secrets to Engaging an Audience
By G. Riley Mills, co-founder and COO, Pinnacle Performance Company
How Gilbane Creates Doer-Sellers
By Margery Weinstein
In 2010, increased competition and an ever-changing construction marketplace led Gilbane to re-examine its sales processes in order to drive sustainable long-term growth. It became clear that a broader range of sales expertise and business development was needed throughout the leadership teams to complement Gilbane’s existing business development teams.
Dog Days of Work
By Michael Patterson
Consulting with businesses and managers who, like myself, have a canine or two at home, I discovered that they often would spend more resources on, and have more patience in, training and developing their pet than they would on the employees who worked with or under them. Frankly, they treated their dogs better than they’d even think to treat their employees! Lack of employee development can lead to lowered productivity, workplace strife and discomfort, higher employee turnover rates, hampered growth, and many other debilitating results.
Top 5 Steps for L&D in 2013
By Ara Ohanian, Chief Happiness Officer and CEO, CERTPOINT Systems
With 21st century technologies changing the way we think and learn, it’s not surprising that we find ourselves at a tipping point for change. 2012 saw Facebook’s 1 billionth user, and the world was gripped by a Korean artist-turned-global-phenomenon, thanks to YouTube. So how can we grasp these compelling opportunities to prove L&D business impact and propel L&D to its rightful seat at the C-table? I see five key steps to success in the year ahead:
Engagement Starts with Your Leaders
By Tom Roth, Chief Operating Officer, Wilson Learning Worldwide
Let’s face it—it’s still tough out there. Most organizations today have weathered the worst economy since World War II, with recovery and growth slower than we all would like it to be. But you made it, and now you are dealing with the massive changes that have taken place and are working hard to ensure your organization stays on course for continued success.
3 Pitfalls that Prevent Authentic Listening
By Kevin Cashman
Where Will We Find the Leaders for Our Future?
By Brad Mason, Training Account Manager, Signature Worldwide
Where will we find the leaders of tomorrow, what will we use to determine a successful leader, and how will we measure the success of our choice for the next great Legendary Leader?
A Homegrown HR Philosophy
By Alan Wurtzel
In 1949, Samuel S. Wurtzel opened the first Wards Company retail store in Richmond, VA. By 1959, Wards Company operated four television and home appliance stores in Richmond. Wards Company officially changed its name to Circuit City and became listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1984.
Human Resource Policies
Employee First Impressions: A モMulligan,ヤ Please?
By Cary Schuler, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, cfactor
I always love self-righteously claiming my right of a “Mulligan” as it’s often referred to in golf. You didn’t like that drive? No worries, just tee up another ball and try again…
Unfortunately, Mulligans don’t work so well in our professional lives.