Online Articles

Conference Highlight: CSI: Project Management

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Lou Russell outlines the top six reasons she has seen project management suffer.

Horrible Bosses: Hollywood Fact or Fiction?

By Halley Bock, CEO, Fierce, Inc.,

Rethinking the Games People Play

By Jerry Klein, Senior Solution Design Strategist, Maritz Motivation Solutions We live in a world increasingly obsessed with games. From celebrity athletes performing before worshipful throngs to teenage boys lost in World of Warcraft, games engage and delight all ages. Businesses can capitalize on this trend toward play. Applying the mechanics of gaming to non-game activities can help to engage people in new and exciting ways.

Leadership Training that Makes a Difference

By Rosaria Hawkins, PhD, and Filomena Warihay, Ph.D. Leadership training is no small investment. The Leadership Development Fact Book reports an average annual expenditure of $500,000 per company on leadership development activities. The annual per participant cost of leadership training runs between $2,000 and $ 7,500 per person. For large corporations, that amounts to millions of dollars.

Conference Highlight: RESPECT

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Dr. Jack Wiley explains how to give workers what they want. Having researched workers for more than 30 years, we believe we know what they want. Not only that, we know that organizations that give workers what they want see higher levels of customer satisfaction and profits.

Conference Highlight: The End from the Beginning

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Dave Goodman gives real-life examples of the value of new perspectives.

Q&A: Getting the Questions You Want

By Matt Abrahams, Co-Founder and Principal, Bold Echo Communications Solutions The sound of silence… that uncomfortable lull at the end of your presentation when you ask for questions, and it takes a moment or two for someone to get up the nerve to speak.

Conference Highlight: Make Training Stick

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Carl Eidson answers the question, “What can we do to make training stick?”

4 Principles of Communication

By Tim Rymel, M.Ed., President, Corporate Kindergarten As professional trainers, we are generally good about applying the basics when presenting or creating learning materials. We know how to use agendas, objectives, and examples, but did you know our learners are naturally wired to look for specific things during the learning process? According to researcher Paul Grice, there are four basic principles of communication that come naturally to us as humans:

Podcast: Insights on Manager Led Development of Employees

Only 45 percent of managers are effective at developing their direct reports. Research shows, however, that managers who ARE effective can improve staff performance by 25 percent and significantly increase retention/commitment. So, what makes the difference? Quite simply, manager-led development. Managers who deliberately help employees maximize the learning potential of every project while connecting them with proper training and other development opportunities offer the winning development combination.

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