Online Articles

Transformational Leaders

By Randy Harrington, Ph.D., and Carmen E. Voillequé Chapter 1: Evolutionaries It is difficult to manifest and sustain strategic clarity in a world where thousands of tasks bog down the days and the rules seem to change the moment we gain momentum. The sad truth is that most organizations are simply trying to reduce the frustration of a beleaguered staff who see winning as surviving, biding time until some external force defines their options and direction for good or ill.

Besting the Culture Challenge

By Tim Toterhi, Senior Director, Global Learning & Development, Quintiles

Leadership Development that Really Works

By Mark Miller, VP, Organizational Effectiveness, Chick-fil-A I’ve been selling chicken for more than 30 years and in the training profession for just over a decade. However, throughout my career, the question of leadership development has been ever present. In the early days, we had a sophisticated process for leadership development. I call it emersion and osmosis. It was built on two tenants:

Lessons Learned in Implementing Performance Support Platforms

Create a positive attitude toward EPSS before introducing it in order to support successful implementation.

How the VA Certifies Project Managers

By Margery Weinstein

10 Tips for Leaders to Make Your Meetings GREAT!

By Mark Miller, Vice President, Organizational Effectiveness, Chick-fil-A Meetings matter. If done well, they multiply our time, increase our productivity, tap into the collective wisdom and creativity of the group, yield better decisions and better results. Let’s face it—most of the meetings we attend are not the model for productivity and efficiency. Done poorly, they are a colossal waste of time. Here are 10 tips to help your team master a few basics for empowering your meetings, starting today.

3 Steps to Support Virtual Teams

By Meena Dorr, Director, Corporate Relations, MBA@UNC

Training: Mandatory or Not?

By Dan Cooper, CEO, A large organization was talking about expanding its initial entry into e-learning and made a statement common among trainers: “We’re not ready yet to make our training mandatory.” This usually means they have tried to require training in the past and received enormous push-back from learners and their managers. So they’re twitchy about the whole idea. Typical causes for the push-back include:

The Engagement Problem

By Rohit Bhargava In 2007, global professional services and recruiting firm Towers Perrin conducted a survey of nearly 90,000 employees in 18 countries around the world. The aim, as it was every year, was to spot some trends in how satisfied employees were with their jobs and what they were thinking. Unlike many other surveys, this was global and reported back on countries individually in the results. What they learned was concerning: The global workforce is not engaged. on the job.

Communication Is the Response You Get

By David Neenan

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