Online Articles

3 Leadership Lessons for 2012

By John Elsey, President and CEO, Forum Corporation Occupy Wall Street—a movement that consciously chose not to have “someone in charge”—taught us more than the fact that people are angry about the increasing disparities between the rich and the poor. As the CEO of a leadership development company, I found the global protests to be a fascinating case study in leadership at a time when the world needed it more than ever, whether in politics, social entrepreneurism, or business.

Webinar: The Trainer as Peak Performer

  Today's webinar presenters, Jean Barbazette and Maria Chilcote, share the implications of striving to be an effective trainer: If we hold the keys to unlocking performance within the organization, then WE need to be at our best as trainers! Consider how you can “train by example”:

Open Communication Boosts Profit

By Del Williams Mishandling communication can cost a manufacturer—from missed orders, quality issues, and running out of material to increased scrap, absenteeism, and turnover, to misunderstanding customer need and selling the wrong product. Separate silos of information can arise between functional departments, to the point where it’s almost necessary to introduce Engineering to Production and Sales to Accounting.

Conference Highlight: Thinking about Mobile Learning?

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Scott McCormick explains the first thing you need to know about building your own mobile learning campaign:

Training Gets More Social

By Lorri Freifeld, Editor, Trainingmagazine Training’s 2012 New Year’s resolution is to expand its presence throughout social media. This January, you will see rich content published on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Google+, all linking back to our new “Daily Update” tab on To help you “join the conversation,” here are a few tips for a positive social media experience:

Building a Bridge to the Life You Want

By Rich Horwath Think about where you are today. Do you enjoy your job? Is your mind active and fully engaged? Are you physically healthy? Are your finances solid? Are your relationships inspiring and supportive? Now think about the bridge that led you to your current position. Was it planned and well thought-out, or was it more similar to Alaska’s infamous Gravina Island Bridge, often referred to as the $398 million “bridge to nowhere”?

Conference Highlight: E-N-G-A-G-E

Training 2012Conference & Expo speaker Vicki Halsey created ENGAGE, a new six-step model designed to revolutionize traditional workplace learning and teaching. Based on art...

Field Leader Training at SMUD

By Margery Weinstein Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s Field Leader Training program was designed to develop leadership behaviors among Field foremen, who were not used to coaching staff. The driver for this customized program was the need to increase accountability, communication, feedback, and safety throughout the Field workforce. The initial effort consisted of three modules, each building on the last. Participants were expected to attend all three modules of training. The objectives for this program were:

The Alphabet of Good Coaches: Part 2

By Bruce D. Stasch, Marketing Manager, Work Effects In Part I of this article (, we discussed some attributes that make for a successful coach. Good coaches must have a positive attitude, a sense of determination, and an ability to help you to find an approach for even the most difficult situation with creativity and intelligence. This article will discuss 14 additional characteristics that set good coaches apart from unsuccessful ones.

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