Online Articles

Tips to Re-engage Your Team

By Carl Eidson, Ph.D., Vice President, Business Development, Wilson Learning

How to Teach a Course That Doesn’t Exist

By Ken Wax People—usually successful, senior-level people—will speak of this course easily, almost casually. They seem to know it well, as if they’ve taken it themselves. And the day may come when you hear it requested, with little further explanation, as the cure to some pretty serious problems. What course is this? It’s called “Sales 101”—and no one has ever taken it.

The Right Choice

By Darryl S. Doane; Rose D. Sloat; and David S. Doane, Ph.D. A critical component of my focus may be the right choice. We once heard a story of a farmer who had an old mule. One day, the farmer is out working and hears a distressful wailing that sounds as if something terrible has happened.

New Article: The Right Choice

By Darryl S. Doane; Rose D. Sloat; and David S. Doane, Ph.D. A critical component of my focus may be the right choice. We once heard a story of a farmer who had an old mule. One day, the farmer is out working and hears a distressful wailing that sounds as if something terrible has happened.

Learning: How Change Management Is Done

  By Sue Kennedy, Chris Musselwhite, and Tammie Plouffe, Discovery Learning Inc.          

Learning: How Change Management Is Done

By Sue Kennedy, Chris Musselwhite, and Tammie Plouffe, Discovery Learning Inc.           Despite decades of research on change management, almost 70 percent of organizational change efforts fail. John Kotter, Harvard professor and change management guru, says they fail because organizations don’t take the holistic approach required to achieve and maintain change.

A Unified Vision for Talent Management

  By Richard Lynell

Good Employee Health Leads to Improved Company Performance

By Dr. Jack Groppel, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Human Performance Institute, and Vice President, Applied Science and Performance Training, Wellness & Prevention, Inc.

A Unified Vision for Talent Management

By Richard Lynell

Your Secret Weapon—Your Scorecard

  By Darren Hardy I’m about to walk you through one of the single greatest strategies I’ve ever used in my personal development. This strategy helps me take control of the choices I make throughout the day, causing everything else to fall into place, and leading to behaviors and actions that shepherd my habits into line like dutiful, loyal minions.

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