Online Articles

Digging Deeper: Measuring the Success of Your eLearning Program

  Thanks to Brenda Quinney (Sales Training Manager at RSA) for this thought-provoking question, and to our LinkedIn Group members for their insightful answers. Q: How do you measure the success of your elearning program? Do you survey your learners? What questions do you ask?  

Conference Highlight: Training Nuggets and YouTube Channels

Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Michele Deck offers one of the ways she helps her training have long-term impact.

Yes, Salespeople Are Different—and So Is Training Them

In surveys and interviews with training professionals, one group always stands out as being particularly challenging: salespeople. Here are 10 reasons why, and then 10 ways to work with those differences. By understanding their world, pressures, and what makes them tick, you can improve their experience in classes - and yours.

$150 off Training 2012 Conference & Expo with Exclusive Discount Code

We know that Training’s social media connections are our most valuable community members, so we are working hard to bring the conference within your reach. It is our pleasure to offer a $150 discount—more than 10%--off the conference registration cost, so you can join us in Atlanta this February.

Conference Highlight: CSI: Project Management

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Lou Russell outlines the top six reasons she has seen project management suffer.

Horrible Bosses: Hollywood Fact or Fiction?

By Halley Bock, CEO, Fierce, Inc.,

Rethinking the Games People Play

By Jerry Klein, Senior Solution Design Strategist, Maritz Motivation Solutions We live in a world increasingly obsessed with games. From celebrity athletes performing before worshipful throngs to teenage boys lost in World of Warcraft, games engage and delight all ages. Businesses can capitalize on this trend toward play. Applying the mechanics of gaming to non-game activities can help to engage people in new and exciting ways.

Leadership Training that Makes a Difference

By Rosaria Hawkins, PhD, and Filomena Warihay, Ph.D. Leadership training is no small investment. The Leadership Development Fact Book reports an average annual expenditure of $500,000 per company on leadership development activities. The annual per participant cost of leadership training runs between $2,000 and $ 7,500 per person. For large corporations, that amounts to millions of dollars.

Conference Highlight: RESPECT

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Dr. Jack Wiley explains how to give workers what they want. Having researched workers for more than 30 years, we believe we know what they want. Not only that, we know that organizations that give workers what they want see higher levels of customer satisfaction and profits.

Conference Highlight: The End from the Beginning

  Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Dave Goodman gives real-life examples of the value of new perspectives.

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