The influx of technology in the workplace amplifies pressure on corporate training programs to efficiently teach new skills to help employees keep up with growing workplace demands. This issue is further impacted by the fact that 70% of training is lost in 24 hours and 80 to 90% is forgotten after 30 days. Though employers and employees both recognize the importance of skills training, they’re lost on how to do so most effectively. The answer is adaptive learning.
Adaptive learning platforms, such as Cerego, allow companies to scale the science of learning and drive down training times. It’s proven that shorter study sessions and precisely timed reviews lead to longer-term retention and reduced training times. When learning is spread out over time and learners are presented with information at the precise moment before they’re about to forget it, they’re more likely to learn and retain the information.
By challenging our brains when we feel most depleted, we’re more likely to recall that information in the future. Technology can automate these learning sessions, allowing learners to learn faster and more effectively.
Another important benefit of technology is transparency. Adaptive learning provides insight into what’s sticking with learners and what isn’t, allowing employers to better understand what employees find interesting and the content being retained. This enables companies to cater to the needs of their employees, which ultimately helps drive down learning times by keeping learners engaged. After all, we know that the more training employees are provided, the more they want—but only if it’s relevant to their interests and career goals.
It’s challenging to implement the findings of cognitive science at scale, and employers may not have an intrinsic grasp of these learning principles. Adaptive learning changes that and provides the tools needed to drive down learning times and increase the effectiveness of the learning experience.