How Companies Stifle Creativity and the Somewhat Simple Solution

In the quest for innovation and self-actualization, the journey should be as enjoyable as the destination.

As an executive coach and team workshop facilitator, I’ve had the privilege of diving headfirst into the fascinating world of organizations and teams. While every group that I’ve worked with has had its unique characteristics, one common theme persists: many organizations inadvertently suffocate creativity.

The value of innovation

Now, before we hastily label organizations and leaders as creativity’s adversaries, let’s not jump to conclusions. They are not harbouring a vendetta against creativity, despite what your beleaguered muse might suggest. On the contrary, most of these organizations and leaders understand the immense value of innovative ideas and innovations – they just don’t know how to lead it effectively.

Picture this: You stroll into an office, and it feels like a time machine just dropped you a decade backwards. Everything is frozen in a bygone era, and leadership has one mantra, “stick to the tried and true!” And “this is the way it’s always been done.” It’s the square peg in the round hole saga, and it’s a relentless creativity buzzkill. You have leaders that say, “Go for it; create and be innovative… but don’t make any mistakes or cost the business while you’re trying!”

But hold on leaders because there is a new (or not so new anymore) way to get things done! Creativity thrives on novelty, unconventional thinking and fresh perspectives. It yearns for an environment that welcomes new ideas, and where the rulebook has a one-way ticket to oblivion. Those leaders who cling to tradition like a security blanket are unwittingly smothering the spark of innovation. The undiscovered never reveals itself if you’re stuck in your cozy cocoon.

Now, remember good old Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs? Well, guess where self-actualization, the pinnacle of personal development, sits? Right at the top! And guess who’s rubbing shoulders up there with it? Yep, creativity! When people are free to let their creativity flow, they’re on the fast track to self-fulfillment. It’s that “Eureka!” moment when you unearth your true potential. Organizations that champion creativity understand it’s not just about work; it’s about the heart and soul of their employees. The workplace transforms into a playground of innovation, a melting pot of ideas and a place where everyone is okay with leaping into the unknown.

Think of Leonardo Da Vinci, a true polymath who excelled in a wide array of disciplines. While he was most renowned for his iconic painting like the Mona Lisa, his hunger for knowledge knew no bounds. Chemistry, geology, geometry, mathematics, engineering, physics – the list goes on. As children, we share that innate curiosity, constantly asking “why?…why”…why?” as we immerse ourselves in play, driven by an unquenchable thirst for learning. But what transpires as we mature and more importantly, why aren’t leadership skill like these taught?

The secret sauce

Here’s what I believe to be the secret sauce to all this that many tend to overlook: creativity and curiosity flourish in a garden of trust and kindness. Kindness is like the fertilizer that nourishes psychological safety within teams. When individuals feel psychologically safe, they’re more likely to share their creative thoughts, take calculated risks to leap into unchartered waters and engage in productive brainstorming sessions. It’s like creating a playground for ideas, where everyone feels comfortable monkeying around with innovation.

And if all that doesn’t convince you, chew on this: when organizations intentionally foster and nurture creativity, they’re not just investing in abstract ideas; they’re investing in their future success. It’s a return on investment that translates to real-world benefits, from staying ahead of competitors to retaining top-notch talent and cultivating a culture of innovation. When organizations put creativity on the A-list, they’re setting the stage for long-term success and growth. So, don’t just think of creativity as icing on the cake – it’s the secret sauce for your organization’s success in the ever-evolving world of business.

Leaders, its in your hands. You are the conductors of this creativity orchestra, and it’s time to let the symphony soar. Give your employees the canvas and watch their imaginations run wild. Let’s tear down the stifling walls, embrace the wild uncertainty and celebrate the wonderfully chaotic world of creativity. Encourage your teams to dream big, think differently and most importantly, be kind to one another along the way. After all, in the quest for innovation and self-actualization, the journey should be as enjoyable as the destination. Let’s make it one heck of a ride!

Caroline Berglund
Caroline Berglund is the founder of Talk Talk, a boutique consulting firm. With over 25 years of experience in leadership, team development, executive coaching and public speaking, Caroline has extensive insight into the power of meaningful human interactions.