“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ―Buddha
Positive affirmations are statements that change your thought process positively. You can achieve anything and everything in the world if you are equipped with affirmations. Affirmations help you bring mental images, motivate, and keep you focused on accomplishing your goals. They create positive vibes and help manage your time. They reinforce your inner voice. They help you take a step closer to your ideal mindset with a positive, right, and strong attitude. They enhance your longevity as you enjoy living for a longer time with optimism. They keep you happy and help you lead your personal, professional, and social life successfully. They purify your thoughts and inspire you to dream and achieve big. You begin to think that everything is possible in this world.
Research shows that we get around 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts in a day, and most of them are negative. Hence, it is essential to convert negative thoughts into positive thoughts through affirmations. Life becomes truly great when we can think positively and contribute constructively to make a difference in the lives of others.
Tips to Acquire Positive Affirmations
“You will be a failure until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ‘clicks.'” ―Florence Scovel Shinn
Everything depends on your mind. Your thinking will create magical words that inspire and mesmerize the people around you. Here are some tips for affirming yourself positively:
- Appreciate yourself. Look at the positive things within yourself. In the morning, think of the good things you will do throughout the day. In the night, think of the good things you have done through the day before you sleep.
- Use sentences such as “I can do it” or the letter ‘I’ to affirm yourself. Tell yourself, “I am full of energy, and that gives me joy.” Or, “I forgive those who have hurt me.” These sentences will change your thought process and help you calm down.
- Use present tense in your statements to become optimistic and achieve maximum outcome. That tells you that what you said is your state of mind now. It is not a future goal or a quality of the past.
- Surround yourself with motivational slogans. Every day, take five minutes to find a motivational quote of your choice.
- To apply affirmations, remove negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with positive ones. For example, instead of thinking, “This is going to be difficult,” think, “There are some challenges here, and it will be fun to overcome them.”
- Prepare a few positive affirmations that suit your age, expectations, and passion. Repeat them. They will creep into your subconscious mind and positively transform your thought process. Your behavior will improve automatically once the messages are ingrained in your subconscious mind.
Wayne Dyer remarked, “My favorite affirmation when I feel stuck or out of sorts is: Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good. Jot this down and post it conspicuously throughout your home, on your car’s dashboard, at your office, on your microwave oven, and even in front of your toilets!” Above all, look at the open door, not the one that is closed.
Change your mental vocabulary
“See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.” ―Dalai Lama
James Allen said, “All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.” Whether you want to succeed or fail, it is in your hands as your thoughts will lead to actions. When your thoughts are positive, your actions will be positive. Here are some techniques to convert your thoughts into positive action: Replace “if” with “when,” “should” with “could you,” “hopefully” with “certainly,” and “I hope” with “I expect.” Do not think about what you do not have. Think about what you have. Do not say, “Have a great day!” but say, “Make it a great day!” Never say, “Do not worry”. Always say, “Have faith”. Swapping a few words while speaking can convert you into an exceptional achiever. For instance, swap “but” for “and”; and “have to” for “want to,” and you will find an amazing difference in your thinking process.
Write down your affirmations in a journal and read them before you go to bed and when you wake up. Do it regularly because it helps the affirmations easily enter your subconscious mind, giving you amazing results. Here are some examples of affirmations you can customize and adopt:
I exercise every day, and I am healthy.
I always learn and grow.
I always see the good in others and appreciate it.
I forgive people and forget unpleasant events. I am compassionate and kind at heart.
I am surrounded by healthy and positive people.
I always get what I want.
I become more and more prosperous every day.
I attract incredible opportunities to increase my earnings and better my life.
I have a continuous abundance of prosperity flowing to me.
I allow all good things to come into my life, and I enjoy them.
I am an abundant person.
I have a loving family.
I read great books and enjoy sharing my knowledge with the world free of charge.
I am blessed with loyal fans and followers all over the world.
I have an attitude of gratitude.
I am blessed with affectionate and reliable friends.
I am happy and successful.
I have a heart to serve others.
I always add value to others and make a difference in the world.
I inspire the world.
Life is great!
“Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” ―Goethe
To grow as a leader, you must create a positive and healthy thought process to build your confidence. It is essential to be equipped with positive affirmations. Equipping with positive affirmations will be easy when you adopt the outlined techniques. Follow the tips, tools, and techniques to acquire, equip, and apply positive affirmations that will help you reach your goal.
“Practice rather than preach. Make your life an affirmation, defined by your ideals, not the negation of others. Dare to the level of your capability, then go beyond to a higher level.” ― Alexander Haig