By Dr. Drea Zigarmi, coauthor of “Achieve Leadership Genius” (2007) and “The Leader Within” (2005), and a founding associate of The Ken Blanchard Companies; and Jim Diehl, Dobie Houson, and David Witt, contributing authors and practice leaders of The Ken Blanchard Companies’ research into the factors that create a passionate and engaging work environment
Employees want more meetings with their boss, according to a survey conducted by Training magazine and The Ken Blanchard Companies. More than 700 Training magazine subscribers were polled to learn about their experiences having one-on-one meetings with their managers—something that can play a big part in their job satisfaction, performance, engagement, and motivation. Readers were asked what they wanted out of their meetings and how that compared to what was really happening. This research gives an important new look into what is being discussed and how that is meeting—or not meeting—the needs of today’s workers.
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