Training magazine is pleased to offer the 2022 Emerging Training Leaders (ETL) awards program. The Emerging Training Leaders awards program aims to recognize training professionals who are relatively new to the training/learning and development industry (minimum of two years and maximum of 10 years in the field) and who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, business savvy, and training instincts.
To download the nomination form, click this link:
To view a quick video about the program, visit: https://trainingmag.com/emerging-training-leaders/emerging-training-leaders-awards-program/
Criteria for the Emerging Training Leaders awards nominations include:
- No self-nominations; nominations must come from managers, co-workers, peers/colleagues—each company can nominate ONLY 2 candidates
- Candidate must be in the training industry for a minimum of two years but no more than 10 years
- Candidate took on at least one new responsibility in the last year
- Candidate successfully led a large-scale training/learning and development initiative within the last year that required management/leadership of a group of people and resulted in the achievement of a corporate strategic goal
- Candidate demonstrates specific leadership and business acumen skills
- Candidate has the potential to lead the Training or Learning & Development function at an organization in the next one to 10 years
There is NO FEE to nominate someone.
Each nomination can achieve a maximum of 45 points as follows:
- Number and scope of new and current responsibilities and their importance to the business (6 points)
- Training initiative (20 points total):
Level of potential business impact (i.e., revenue generation, new product launch, change initiative, new technology launch): 0-3 points
Level of difficulty of challenges faced: 0-2 points
Project scope (companywide, individual functions, global vs. national, etc.): 0-3 points
Corporate strategic goal the program aimed to help achieve: 0-2 points
Instructional design (learning objectives linked to business outcomes; level of leadership involved in design, development, and facilitation; reinforcement): 0-3 points
Innovation of training: 0-3 points
Business outcomes achieved/expectations met: 0-4 points
- Leadership/business skills utilized (up to 1 point for quality of each example; plus 3 points for Level 3 and 4 results for each section for a total of 14 points)
- Readiness to lead the T&D function (2 points for timing and 3 point for reason(s) why; for a total of 5 points)
Training’s Training Hall of Famers and other Editorial Advisory Board members and I will judge the nominations in July and August 2022. Winners and their nominators will be notified in September 2022. Winners will be featured in the March 2023 print issue of Training magazine.
By submitting a nomination for the Emerging Training Leaders awards program, you give Training magazine permission to publish any information not marked NFP (Not For Publication) in a profile of the nominee that would appear in the March 2023 issue.
An awards ceremony will be held in February 2023 at the Training 2023 Conference & Expo at Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, FL. The winners earning the top 5 highest scores will receive a free registration to the 2023 Training Conference. The other winners will receive a discount for the conference. All nominators of 2022 winners also will receive a discount for the conference.
To see the list of 2021 Emerging Training Leader winners, please visit:
Please download the 2022 nomination form below, complete it, and e-mail it to: lorri@trainingmag.com by June 20, 2022. ENTRIES WILL BE JUDGED SOLELY ON THE NOMINATION FORM; PLEASE DO NOT SEND SUPPORTING MATERIALS. Please e-mail me at lorri@trainingmag.com with any questions.