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Training Today: Do Your Homework

While the number of organizations offering virtual work arrangements has increased from 35 to 45 percent over the last few years, a few notable companies recently have gone against the trend and banned working from home policies. These moves may lead more employers to reevaluate their own flexible work arrangements, says Aon Hewitt, the global human resource solutions business of Aon plc.

Skills Gap Part 2: Schooled on Skills

Corporate/academic partnerships may be a big part of the solution to the skills gap. The key to success lies in understanding the challenges, choosing the right partners, and measuring effectiveness.

Secret Sauce for a Better Boss

By Margery Weinstein

Cultivating Culture

By Margery Weinstein

A Tale of 2 Cultures

I would not be a happy camper if my publisher pulled a “Marissa Mayer” and called me to say I could no longer work from home after three blissful years of doing so and would have to resume my four-hour-a-day commute to an office in New York City. And I shudder at the very thought of coming home to two lonely, enraged dachshunds with too much time on their…um…paws. I certainly would think about looking for another job. In the meantime, I would drag my sorry self to the office and be unhappy, unengaged, and resentful (and probably pretty unproductive).

Give Employees Learning Theyメll Love

By Michael Ninness, Senior Vice President, Product and Content, lynda.com Too often training goes unused. It’s not relevant to the learner or fails to address a specific concern in a moment of need. Even when training is consumed, learning does not always occur. And because technology and information are rapidly evolving, content used in training quickly becomes outdated.

Learning Projects Going Global? Be Prepared!

By David Yesford, Senior Vice President, Wilson Learning

Case Study: Innovation Takes Hold

By Barbara Wanless Jake looked over his redesigned departmental layout and smiled. Following an intense, nine-day Leadership Retreat, the multinational company had implemented sweeping physical changes to the offices. The new watchword was “Innovation,” and the walls came down. There were whiteboards for each work team, small meeting areas for Idea Groups, and even adaptions to workflow to increase interactions between departments.

Dell Inc.’s Customer Mindset Program

Edited by Margery Weinstein

Training Empowers Employees to Make Smart Benefits Decisions

By Justyn Harkin It happens every benefits enrollment season at every company around the country. Employees who want to get the whole benefits enrollment process over and done with simply sleepwalk through some of the most important decisions they could be making for themselves and their families for the rest of the year. Something has to be done to wake these employees up!

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