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Maximizing Learning Transfer

By Raed S. Haddad, Senior Vice President, Global Delivery Services, ESI International It’s not just what you know; it’s how you use what you know. Attending a training class without proper post-course knowledge application and integration is a futile, yet common practice. In fact, a recent study shows that organizations estimate a high level of learning transfer to the workplace, but the reality does not bear that estimate out.

Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourcing

By Diane Youden, Principal, PwC

Bust Out of Recession Mode—How to Rally the Troops

By Mike Noble, Managing Partner, Camden Consulting Group Leaders must be able to help their employees see the possibility and promise of what is to come, while making peace with the past. A company can’t succeed unless its employees are invested in its success, and they need to get into the right mindset. An organization’s leadership team must have the ability to motivate and inspire. Here’s what leaders need to do to rally their troops and get them excited about the future:

It’s All in Your Head

By Lorri Freifeld

Training Today: Products and Services (Nov/Dec 2011)

Kudos Inc. launched its peer-to-peer social recognition and employee engagement system. With this interactive system, team members and management can recognize one another for any act, effort, or attitude that supports their culture, values, or objectives.

Integrity and the Role of HRD

By Al Watts, Founder, inTEgro, Inc. With all the apparent lapses of integrity we’ve witnessed, why are we not seeing more attention paid by the HR and HRD world? What should the roles of HR and HRD professional be? Here are three reasons it may be difficult to get our arms around integrity, and suggestions for helping leaders and their organizations function at the highest possible level:

Re-Inventing Learning at Whirlpool University

By Tamara Patrick, Director, Whirlpool University

Siemens USA Revamps Its Recognition Program

By Mike Ryan, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Strategy, Madison Performance Group Creating and implementing a successful large-scale employee recognition program in the workplace can be a challenge in any environment. Inherently, obstacles can be more complex within a self-governing business structure. Siemens USA—with 60,000 employees in all 50 states and Puerto Rico—recognized the need for a company-wide program that balanced its business autonomy with enhanced corporate-level visibility, oversight, and control requirements.

Training Professionals Tour Navy’s Only Boot Camp

By Scott A. Thornbloom, Naval Service Training Command Public Affairs GREAT LAKES, IL (NNS) -- Training professionals from companies across the United States toured the Navy’s only boot camp to observe how civilians are trained to become Sailors at Recruit Training Command (RTC).

A Lesson in Employee Engagement: Reestablish Trust

By Rick Garlick, Ph.D., Senior Director,Strategic Consulting and Implementation,Maritz Hospitality Research Group

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