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Building a Bridge to the Life You Want
By Rich Horwath
Think about where you are today. Do you enjoy your job? Is your mind active and fully engaged? Are you physically healthy? Are your finances solid? Are your relationships inspiring and supportive? Now think about the bridge that led you to your current position. Was it planned and well thought-out, or was it more similar to Alaska’s infamous Gravina Island Bridge, often referred to as the $398 million “bridge to nowhere”?
Field Leader Training at SMUD
By Margery Weinstein
Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s Field Leader Training program was designed to develop leadership behaviors among Field foremen, who were not used to coaching staff. The driver for this customized program was the need to increase accountability, communication, feedback, and safety throughout the Field workforce. The initial effort consisted of three modules, each building on the last. Participants were expected to attend all three modules of training.
The objectives for this program were:
The Alphabet of Good Coaches: Part 2
By Bruce D. Stasch, Marketing Manager, Work Effects
In Part I of this article (http://trainingmag.com/article/alphabet-good-coaches-part-1), we discussed some attributes that make for a successful coach. Good coaches must have a positive attitude, a sense of determination, and an ability to help you to find an approach for even the most difficult situation with creativity and intelligence. This article will discuss 14 additional characteristics that set good coaches apart from unsuccessful ones.
Nurturing the Learning Tree
By Hank Moore, Corporate Strategist
Organizations are populated with individuals who possess a plethora of education, skills, and talents. Companies are composed of human beings, who bring their culturalization (or lack of it) to the job. Thus, they set the pace for the tree (company) in question.
Business professionals are the sum of their life experiences. People, like organizations, develop, grow, and thrive. If not, they are of little market value in a career.
Executive Coaching Gives Leaders a Chance to Change
By Annie Beecham, Marketing Coordinator, Connect the Dots Consulting
Differences in Leadership
By Marcus Buckingham
Soapbox: Paychex Train-the-Trainer Partnership Program
By Lisa Green, Training Manager, HRS and H&B Operations, at the Paychex Training and Development Center
Kelly Schnupp never thought participating in a three-month program to enhance her training skills would have such a powerful and immediate impact on the company’s bottom line, but her experience with the Paychex Train-the-Trainer Partnership has left her pleasantly surprised.
World View: Focus on the Multicultural/Multi-Language Classroom
By Lester Stephenson
It is becoming increasingly common for training classes to have students from all over the world. But it is impossible to adapt teaching styles and classroom culture to a student from India when sitting next to him is one from Vietnam, behind him is one from Iraq, and nearby is someone from Mexico and another from Atlanta, GA. Throw in language issues, and the task facing the instructor can be overwhelming—even intimidating.
NYP Hospital Revs Up Onboarding
When NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) wanted to formalize and enhance its Revenue Cycle Academy (RCA), it added a new onboarding program.
ROE Case Study: U.S. Federal Government Agency
By Dr. James D. Kirkpatrick and Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick
The Challenge
The training division of a federal agency was in trouble. In a conversation with their leaders, three increasingly common events were detailed: