Productivity Coach’s Corner: 3 Questions to Build Trust

Effective leaders notice when people need support, need to be noticed, or are challenged by what’s in front of them.

People work better with people they trust. There are three questions you can ask to increase the likelihood people will trust you. Use the third question carefully and sparingly as it can be a sensitive issue.

1. What do you need? Make sure you learn about their needs and understand their perspective. Build rapport by listening to them tell you what they need from you.

2. What else do I notice? Watch what happens when you recognize people for making a contribution or doing great work. Catch people doing something right and acknowledge them by sharing a specific way their work is helping the team, the organization, or the cause.

3. What are you worried about? This is not a question you ask as much as one you intuit. If you listen and watch and feel how the conversation is going, you may be able to identify something right below the surface. You may or may not be able to ask or address it in the conversation in real time. But if possible, do something after the meeting that lets them know they don’t have to worry about that particular issue you noted.

Effective leaders notice when people need support, need to be noticed, or are challenged by what’s in front of them. It’s your job as their trusted leader to make it easier for people to do their best work.

Dr. Jason Womack
Dr. Jason W. Womack ( is an author, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach working with organizations as they re-imagine not just how people work together, but the way colleagues both take care of AND challenge each other. His programs help people stress less, focus more, and achieve greater levels of success…as defined by each individual who contributes to the organizational mission. His books can be found at Amazon: