Productivity Coach’s Corner: 3 Ways to Become Byte-Lingual

Using tools, applications, and gear more effectively, you could save anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes of time…every day.

How would you rate your overall “fluency” with your technology and tools? You use your e-mail system and smart phone every day; what would the impact be if you learned one new productivity feature each week for a year?

Three ways to become “byte-lingual” include:

Seek micro-improvements. Saving YouTube learning videos to my computer to watch later, programming special “shortcuts” into my smart phone, and learning the speed keys in my most frequently used applications alone saves at least 15 minutes a day.

Observe others. Years ago, I watched someone download a YouTube video to their computer, edit the parts of the video they wanted to show in a meeting, and then import that video clip into their PowerPoint presentation. That one hour changed my life; I save about two hours on each presentation I create (plus, no more headache of having to be “online” during every client presentation).

Watch online video tutorials: Visit video (or product) Websites to learn about the product (service, program, etc.) you’re interested in. Watch these “bite-sized” videos, and learn more…faster. Also, consider leaving a tip (or a question) in the comment area below it.

Using tools, applications, and gear more effectively, you could save anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes of time…every day. Imagine if your team of five people had 120 hours of “extra” time this coming year. What would you be able to get done?

For more ideas, visit:

Dr. Jason Womack
Dr. Jason W. Womack ( is an author, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach working with organizations as they re-imagine not just how people work together, but the way colleagues both take care of AND challenge each other. His programs help people stress less, focus more, and achieve greater levels of success…as defined by each individual who contributes to the organizational mission. His books can be found at Amazon: