Productivity Coach’s Corner: It’s Not What You Know

Use the excuse, “It’s the end of the year,” and pick people from the network to let know you appreciate them.

When you think about everything you’ve done over the last 12 months, do you recognize the influence of your social network?

In the next year, you will take vacations, eat in restaurants, read books, see movies, and explore new hobbies. Have you ever stopped to think about exactly how you decide to do all that?

As a “coach,” it’s apparent to me that most people are either held back or pushed forward by the five (or so) people closest to them. These can be partners, colleagues, clients, or even vendors. I call the five people who influence me the most my “team.”

These are the people you want to chat with over coffee or ask to look at a work problem with you over lunch. They are the ones you spend the most time with, the ones who bring the most influential ideas.

This “social network” is composed of the people you trust and interact with most frequently. And, over time, you’ll find the influence these people have runs deeper than just a meeting or e-mail chain of correspondence.

Here’s the challenge: Use the excuse, “It’s the end of the year,” and pick people from the network to let know you appreciate them. Sure, this is a “soft skill,” but take time to nurture these relationships, and let me know what happens next year.

Dr. Jason Womack
Dr. Jason W. Womack ( is an author, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach working with organizations as they re-imagine not just how people work together, but the way colleagues both take care of AND challenge each other. His programs help people stress less, focus more, and achieve greater levels of success…as defined by each individual who contributes to the organizational mission. His books can be found at Amazon: