Saying thanks works. We know this because when companies train their managers on ways to show employee appreciation, everything goes up—from retention to morale to customer service and productivity. But how can companies train on the skill of saying thanks for a job well done? There are three components to a training plan for effective workforce recognition:
- Training on recognition concepts. First, it is essential to communicate why recognition is important and how effective showing appreciation can be when it comes to teambuilding, on-time deliverables, and overall performance. Studies show when employees experience genuine “applause” for their efforts, they will work harder because they know it matters.
- Training on rules and guidelines for company recognition programs. Whether it’s workshops or quick reference guides, training on programs that are available and the organizational policies such as budgets, how awards are grossed up for taxes, and types of rewards available will ensure programs are well understood, enjoy strong participation, and will be utilized correctly.
- Training on how to use the tools and systems that support programs. More and more programs are moving online, are mobile, and increasingly are social. Some employees intuitively know how to use and access these tools, but others need online tutorials that show them how to use the available tools. Available on-demand training will ensure increased participation and utilization. Simply put, more people will use the recognition solution and use it properly.
This three-pronged approach to training for effective recognition will ensure that your leaders and front-line employees know why it is important, what programs are available, and how the tools work to use them. It takes time, but a comprehensive approach to training will ensure that your company gets the best return for its investment in recognizing all employees.
Kimberly Abel is the vice president, Employee Solutions for Maritz Motivation Solutions, a leader in designing and managing motivation and loyalty programs for major corporations. Abel is responsible for developing and communicating the company’s thought leadership and point of view on workforce performance and employee recognition solutions. She can be reached at