Recognizing Teamwork — Train Your Team To Win by Mastering the “Point”

Book excerpt from Relentless Solution Focus by Jason Selk; McGraw-Hill Education (2021).

Relentless Solutions Focus- Training Magazine

“Point” is exactly what it sounds like. You’ve seen it on the basketball court or in the backfield during a football game after a great play. The player who got the perfect pass from his teammate heads back up the court and points to the one who delivered the ball, or the person who gets the sack high-fives the lineman who occupied two blockers and helped him get free.

It might seem like these are spontaneous reactions to an exciting play—and that’s a little part of it. But they are also an extremely important part of reinforcing success. Players want to get the “point.” It means they have been recognized for doing something that helps contribute to the team achieving its goal. It’s a pure form of recognition for teamwork. It’s the acknowledgment from the team that makes your individual contribution to the team more valuable.

It is recognizing the assist—the good work from a teammate.

How important is it? Coach John Wooden actually had his assistants chart the assists players distributed during a game, and whether the player who received the pass acknowledged the passer after the basket. Players were actually graded on how well they pointed!

In today’s current climate, especially if you are training others to be successful, “pointing” needs to be something in your organization and team’s DNA. Anytime a person does something well or something that contributes to the improvement of the team, even if it only propels the team an inch forward, it is “point-worthy” and should be recognized daily. Do this enough and it starts to become automatic.

Think about it from the perspective of the team members. If you’re the person who made the key pass, you’re appreciative of the recognition for your efforts to help the team achieve the goal. If you’re the point-scorer, so to speak, it shows you appreciate the work that happened “behind the scenes,” and it improves your relationship with the assist person. It increases the confidence of everybody involved, and it inspires the team to commit the effort to receive more of the same kind of recognition.

Three Questions to Consider:

1.   Has your organization clearly defined what behaviors are “point” worthy?

2.   When is the last time you “pointed” at a teammate for something he or she did well?

3.   When is the last time a teammate “pointed” at you for something you did well?

My challenge to you today is to find a teammate (this can include a co-worker or a family member) and give him or her a “point.” Find something “point-worthy,” and let that person know in a very genuine manner how much he or she means to you, and how his or her actions help create a healthy positive environment.

Create a “point” recognition culture in your team and watch the overall performance and success rise.

Jason Selk
Dr. Jason Selk, author of RELENTLESS SOLUTION FOCUS, is one of the nation’s premier performance coaches, has worked with business titans and superstar athletes. As Director of Mental Training for the St. Louis Cardinals, he played an important role in the team’s first World Series victory in more than twenty years in 2006, and their second in 2011. Dr. Selk, who earned a Doctorate in counseling and sports psychology at the University of Missouri, is the bestselling author of Executive Toughness, 10-Minute Toughness, Organize Tomorrow Today, and Lead Any Team to Win. For more information, go to: