Talent Tips Security: The “S” of RESPECT

Employees want confidence that solid work and a well-managed organization lead to job security.

In this column, we continue to examine the seven individual attributes of the RESPECT model (Recognition, Exciting Work, Security, Pay, Education and Career Growth, Conditions, and Truth) by focusing on security.

Security is a fundamental human need. People seek it in their work lives as much as they do in their personal lives. Employees who say security is the most important thing they want from their employer want things such as:

  • A permanent job
  • Stability
  • A safe, low-stress workplace
  • Steady work
  • Not to be laid off and have hours cut back
  • Assurance that their job will not be eliminated to balance budget problems
  • No threat of moving work to low-cost countries irrespective of quality or skills

Of course, in today’s economy, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is also a major threat to job security for many employees.

At its core, security is about trust. Employees must be able to trust themselves that they can perform their work well. They also need to be able to trust leaders to provide continued employment. There is no question that layoffs, pay freezes, and job hiring freezes—all indicators of organizational trauma—spark feelings of job insecurity.


To build trust among their employees, managers must be seen as skilled and competent, benevolent, and ethical. Employees trust competent leaders—those who lead an organization well, create more work excitement, and compel the actions of others through a motivating vision of the future. Trust is built through benevolent actions, specifically by supporting employees’ career goals, prioritizing safety at work, and developing employees’ skills for the future.

Trustworthy leaders give credit where credit is due by valuing the contributions of others. And through balancing multiple stakeholders’ needs, they improve employee job satisfaction by investing time and resources in responsible corporate actions.


Offering job security solutions to employers is no easy task given how many outside variables are at play. Decisions about employment levels must be made based on factors such as customer demand, cost structures, profit objectives, corporate values, and underlying economic conditions.

Diagnosing an organization’s state of job security means managers must figure out exactly how employees feel about their jobs and the health and well-being of the enterprise. Managers need to stay connected to their employees; they need to listen to and ask questions about what employees say. Not only will staying connected inform management, it also will instill a sense of security, cohesiveness, and knowledge in the workforce.


Four fundamental things organizations can do to create a feeling of job security for their employees are:

  • Clarify the EVP (employee value proposition). An organization should communicate its level of commitment to the workforce when the market for its products and services declines. Economist Wayne Cascio’s compelling research shows the negative financial long-term impact of corporate downsizing.
  • Share information openly. Companies can cultivate an incredible amount of employee goodwill when they openly share their financial conditions. Strategies such as open-book management help employees think and act like managers in their decision-making.
  • Prepare employees for current and future opportunities. Organizations that invest more in employee training and development tend to outperform those that invest less.
  • Be flexible and create flexibility for employees. Creating a dynamic workplace in which employees don’t feel chained to a specific set of tasks can create a greater sense of security, engagement, and commitment.
Jack Wiley, Ph. D.
Jack Wiley, Ph.D., is the author of “The Employee-Centric Manager” (2021), “RESPECT” (2012), and “Strategic Employee Surveys” (2010). Dr. Wiley is president and CEO of Employee Centricity LLC and Jack Wiley Consulting, LLC; he also serves as the chief scientific officer at Engage2Excel. E-mail him at: jwiley@employeecentricity.com or visit: Engage2Excel.com