- Somewhere Else Solutions, a London-based innovation agency, is launching BODYSWAPS, a soft skills training platform powered by artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
- JLL introduced JiLL, an artificial intelligence-powered, conversational smartphone app that can help employees streamline their work. Users can use voice or text to converse with the app and simplify time-consuming daily tasks such as setting up meetings, locating colleagues, looking up shuttle schedules, or finding a desk or conference room.
- Pixvana, a virtual reality solutions provider specializing in corporate learning and training, released SPIN Studio 2.0, adding new features to its XR platform for creation, editing, and distribution of immersive experiences. Coupled with SPIN Studio 2.0 is SPIN Studio Lite, a new free solution for streamlined VR casting.
- HiringSolved, a leader in artificial intelligence (AI)-powered software for recruiting and talent acquisition automation, launched PROPHET II and PROPHET Pro. PROPHET II combines HiringSolved’s AI software with a database of hundreds of millions of open Web candidate profiles. PROPHET Pro enables recruiters to receive information on 6,000 new candidates each month at an introductory price of $50 per month.
Tech Talk (Sept./Oct. 2019)
Find out about the latest advances in training technology.