Techniques for Developing Blog Writing Excellence

Writing a great blog post takes work. Learn how to write a blog article that your subscribers will want to read and send to each other.

It takes work to create awesome blog articles. You must create useful and interesting articles that readers will want to share with all their acquaintances, friends, and relatives. After all, the most successful promotion is often based on word of mouth. That is: read it – liked it – told others.

After reading this article, you will develop a clear algorithm for creating ideal blog articles that your subscribers will be ready to read and send to each other.

How to write a blog article correctly

Essay Tigers writers are true experts in writing blog articles. They have shared with us their tips (steps) on creating awesome blog articles. To write a successful article, memorize (or better yet, write down) the following 10 steps. And you must memorize them all exactly in the order in which we will describe them below.

Come up with an eye-catching headline

The very first thing you can do to attract a potential reader to your article is a bright and attractive headline. The person doesn’t know what the article says yet, and you need to grab their attention as much as possible.

This is a key point. Before you start writing articles – learn how to formulate a headline so that if a person catches his eye, With this knowledge, the article will be read 100%.

The reader’s attention must be grabbed wholeheartedly from the first lines

The most common mistake inexperienced people make is the first few lines of an article that fall short of the headline.

Having thought up a true masterpiece headline, you write outright nonsense from the very beginning of the article. And that’s it, you can forget about blog promotion, about a bunch of subscribers… There will be none!

But to prevent this, you must carefully consider the beginning of your article. It should capture the reader’s attention and excite his or her imagination. He or she should be interested in what will happen next. A blog article is certainly not a detective with a twisted plot, but you can always think of something. The reader should definitely want to read it to the end.

The article must convince the reader of your competence in the domain

The person reading the article must be convinced you are competent in the topic. He or she must believe you! For this purpose, do not take on topics in which you are a complete “noob”.

Take on writing articles with known and, most importantly, understandable topics because when the author does not understand the topic, it is always visible to the reader.

Use expressive phrases and word combinations

You should strive to have a high enough level of speech in your articles. Many people lack fantasy and imagination for this, and some even lack education.

Therefore, this advice: read more literature. Moreover, it does not matter what genre it will be – just read! Then, your speech will be interesting and filled with sufficient expressive means.

Write some information in a list format

Learn to provide information in different ways, for example, in the form of lists.

Information is much better digested if provided in the form of a list. Solid text looks monotonous and monotonous. But note that the list should be compact and maximally thesis (clearly on the matter). So it is easier to remember.

Divide the text into paragraphs and sections

It is very useful for the article’s readability to use divisions into paragraphs and sections. Moreover, it is best to add subheadings to separate them.

In this case, you can apply the technique we have discussed earlier: an attention-grabbing headline. So, by applying this skill, you will keep the reader’s interest in your article.

Present a blog article in the form of a story

Any piece of writing that can hold attention is some kind of story with certain stages of development:

  • There is always a protagonist
  • In the fate of the hero, there are ups, downs, and, of course, villains, preventing him from going to the intended goal
  • Then there is intrigue
  • And a happy ending to the ongoing story

Use these stages of the plot to make your article interesting.

The plot should be filled with exciting events

The article should have plot twists that make readers empathize with the “hero”. It should look something like this:

  • A new website is trying to reach the top of the search engine
  • Competitors begin to attack it with low-quality content and links. Subsequently, they impose sanctions and penalties.
  • The villain receives a ban from the search engine for purchasing links, thus falling into his own trap.
  • Ultimately, our hero (the same new site) applies honest promotion skills and rises to the desired top, leaving competitors and other villains behind.

Great, move on.

Don’t ignore other types of content

Good, interesting blog text is, of course, good, but the reader’s eyes get tired of monochrome text without pictures and other types of content.

For example, you can add videos on the topic, pictures, or screenshots. All this should harmoniously complement your article.

Think well about the ending of the article

It is not good when a blog article just cuts off without any closure. The reader then has the impression that he or she was deceived and did not disclose the information promised initially.

Therefore, think carefully about the end of the article. Here, you should summarize all of the above.


Now, you know how to write the perfect text for the blog. But it is worth realizing that the first time may not work out perfectly because you still have no experience. But, if you use the above tips, then gradually (over time), you will realize that your texts will cause admiration. They will be reread again and again.